Back to reality

Hello there my pretties.

Everything has been cool. No big problems lately. Had some bad news but oh well you grieve and you get over it.

It’s 2:50PM and I’m still at work. Hmmmm. AND BORED out of my mind doing nothing. Turns out that the lady that I interviewed with for this position (I interviewed with 3 different people), was supposed to train me. Well she has yet to come into work! And from what I hear from the other 2 contractors I ought to be happy that she never came to work because she is extremely nasty and lazy. She waits until the boss comes in town then blames all of her mistakes on the contractors right in front of the boss! Yeah we’d have a problem there. Well the thing about this position is that it is STRICTLY contract. There is no contract to hire or anything like that going on and believe me you KNOW you are a contractor. You cannot even participate in the things that associates do. Okay no big deal. Well the politics behind it all is cost cutting. And come to find out the 3 guys that interviewed me,  one of which was the lady that has yet to come into work are all associates that have been with the company’s IS department for years. There has been a corporate decision to outsource the whole IS helpdesk. Which means ONLY contractors will work there which means they are in danger of losing their jobs and being MADE to work for the contracting company. It doesn’t hurt me but it sucks for them. Plus the lady training me is nearing early retirement so I think she just went ahead and took it. Word is she won’t be back. And the thing about working as a contractor is this: After your contract is up you must LEAVE immediately. You can come back but you have to take some months off. I think that is crazy but oh well. Well my whole purpose for being hired in was to replace the last contract worker. He is training me he has found a new job and is leaving. THEN the other contractor who’s hours I’m taking was supposed to be moving into a different time slot well guess what? He just got a new job too. So he will be leaving in 2 weeks along with the contractor that I’m backfilling. The WOMAN that was supposed to train me took retirement and the remaining 2 associates working here don’t know if they’ll have a job in 6 months. AYE YAE YAE!!!!!!

Things are cool here but this all happening at once is a doozy for me. I’m gonna stick it out because I;’m not a quitter and the pay is good but sheezle petes~! Can I get a break? They better be happy it’s boring around here.

Good news is after my contract is up and they purchase a huge account with IBM,  IBM would purchase my contract and I could become a sr. analyst on the helpdesk become an IBM employee and get benefits and make alot more money. I’d just be on assignment working for Toyota. Sounds good to me!

I dunno yall I;m a little torn. I’m also a little ticked. Here it is 2 hours after my supposed getting off time and I’m playing on the internet. They could’ve let me go home man. I gotta go home and get lil q ready for track come home and go straight to bed. Yeah the overtime is sweet but Gosh man I wanna go home!



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28



There are so many people searching for truth, searching to find God and understand. Unfortunately, most of them want to know how to find peace while living in sin. They don’t want to give up their lifestyle(repentance). They want to feel good about themselves and convince themselves that God is happy with them the way they are. The "new age" preachers have come up with a formula — simply redefine God. As if we are here to just hang out and do what pleases us.


This is a time of separating the wheat from the chaff. Everyone will have to take a stand on one side or the other. It’s all a part of the process of the Second Coming. I pray that Christians everywhere will not fall prey to these deceiving doctrines. ~ Starting Over (od member)



~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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June 18, 2008

Yah that kills my Type A personality, but it’s money right? That’s quite a bit of office politics to walk in as a newbie. Sheesh! ((HUGS))

That is a lot of office politics!

WHen you worked for IBM, you had a job for life. But they like the other companies have changed and not for the better. I live in Beamerville. Everyone I knew working for them over the past 20 years have either been laid off or took early retirement.

Learning all the back door stuff? Hmmm, hope you enjoy it for the ride and money anway. have fun!

Hang in there, something will work itself out. Smooches…

i found you first on a black hair forum, so how i got here. i have been Reading you post and i just wanted to say thank you for sharing, God is using your writings to minister to me. im currently 244, which is my highest weight ever. but submitted to GOD i will conquer this

June 22, 2008

I remember reading this entry. Glad that you are okay jobwise. The Lord delights in those who delight in him!