I’s just a lil bit scurred

I’m beginning to wander if somebody sprinkled some fairy dust on me this morning or something.

I have had men staring at me today as if I have a third eye on my head or a third boob or something.

I haven’t done anything special as a matter of fact i ALMOST look a hot mess a lil bit lol.

I put on a hair band to pull my curls back a lil and I have on my tiger fight t-shirt with jean capris and flip flops. Nothing special yanno. I don’t get it. Dryer broke down so I took some freshly washed clothes to the laundromat to dry one load and this guy stared at me from the minute I pulled up until I put my clothes in the dryer then he finally got up the nerve to ask me if I went to school with him in ’85. lol Nope I graduated ’96 so your ten years too late. He said he thought I was someone else. Then i went to the family christian store to get a cd and while browsing I hear someone say how are you doing Nikki? Freaked me out cause I didn’t see anyone then I look up and this guy is laughing going ‘I bet you thought that was God calling your name’ lol. Then i’m thinking where in the world do I know this guy from and he calls me ‘Nikki’? That name is only reserved for friends and family. People I work with or went to school with call me by my first name. Doneta. So I’m walking through the store trying my best to remember where I know him from but not appear clueless and make him feel bad cause I don’t remember his name. Then as I’m going home countless men have literally stopped in their tracks and stared. I’m self conscious now thinking? Okay i don;t have on perfume I don’t think anything is out of place checking myself lol.

And the kicker to all of this is that these men that are stopping are FINE!!! I mean Fine with a capital F!!!

So I’m tripping right now I’m not used to this kinda attention right now. But i won’t feed into it though. The devil is a liar on that front. But i do recognize a nice looking man when i see one. But this is sooooo weird! I think I’ll just stay in the house the rest of the day.


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28



There are so many people searching for truth, searching to find God and understand. Unfortunately, most of them want to know how to find peace while living in sin. They don’t want to give up their lifestyle(repentance). They want to feel good about themselves and convince themselves that God is happy with them the way they are. The "new age" preachers have come up with a formula — simply redefine God. As if we are here to just hang out and do what pleases us.


This is a time of separating the wheat from the chaff. Everyone will have to take a stand on one side or the other. It’s all a part of the process of the Second Coming. I pray that Christians everywhere will not fall prey to these deceiving doctrines. ~ Starting Over (od member)



~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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May 23, 2008

Girl, please. you better get out there and finish doing what you have to do… you are beautiful! Why wouldn’t they stop and stare?!?!?!?!? Let them stare… as long as they don’t touch. I would hate to see Big Q on CNN tonight… LOL!

that is funny, your probably glowing from not being drained from your former job. lol OR– your pregnant! he he. My sister always looks so much healthier and happier when she is laid off for a couple weeks. I could use some inner glow too. I wonder if it will happen after 3 days off? Have fun you diva.

You are radiant. Plus with being happy and optimistic right now for the future, it probably just gives you a little extra ooomph.