Gotta work it out

Went mall walking this morning. It was raining outside and I didn’t want to get wet. This was a new experience. Through the MP3 player on and was jamming while getting my walk in.  Did 4 laps in 1 hour and 20 minutes. Coolness. Going skating tonight. Gotta get some exercise in some kinda way. plus I LOVE to see people dance on skates where they look like their gliding lol.

Every first Saturday of the month our local Skating place has a Christian skate night. I like going to it. I figure you burn TONS of calories and get in an awesome sweat so I went online and bought these skates. They are soooo comfortable and they fit my big feet. I wear 10.5-11 BTW lol. So i went last Saturday and it was a good workout and I can skate a lil bit, I can dance and skate backwards but I am a bit wobbly sometimes for fear of falling too lol. Well I found out there is another skating rink near my church in the City that has Christian skate night every thursday night too. Tonight the girls have dance practice for about two hours so I figure hey why not slip out and go skating for about 30-45 mins while the girls dance? Gotta break these babies in anyway. I skated Saturday and it felt so weird like the skates are just TOO new. No scuff marks to guide me along the way or anything lol. I just got the old carpet pulled up and am getting new carpet installed in the basement tomorrow so I’ll try to practice some moves today to make sure I don’t bust my head tonight lol.

I resigned to treating this weight problem like any other spiritual issue that I face and I am praying today against the spirits of Gluttony,  Greed,  Starvation,  Emotional Eating, and manipulation. I renounce all curses of obesity in my family and I am going to have to bind this thing up. This is all I know how to do right now. Being sensible in eating and binding up the enemy before I even have a chance to fall off. Moving more,  eating less. Hopefully I can make it through the day without being overtaken by those same old attachments.

I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me right?

Pray for me yall.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28

~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.

Ronnie (OD member)




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May 8, 2008

Oh! You need some pom-poms on your skates now! I like real skates better than roller blades. I feel like I could fall on my face with roller blades when I try to stop. ryn: I think he was slow. I don’t know but it’s the only thing I can think of.

you have my prayers, I just wish I had your ambition.

May 8, 2008
May 8, 2008

RYN:I read anything except for serious science fiction.

ryn: i will fix it, me sorry. i keep forgettin u cant copy pics from email. i’ll have to upload, and recreate the page. thanks for telin me lol.

Ok it’s fixed, go check it out now hehe. I put the pics back on there, afte savin them to my webpage. hehe soo go enjoy!!! lol

May 9, 2008

I like reading about your disciplined preserverence. Your stick-to-it-ness is going to pay off. Keep on keeping on.