ROG dvd’s are available for purchase Yippee!!

Hello all I’ve talked about it for a while now but they are completed. The ROG Kingdom Sound Live DVD from our very first concert are available NOW.  YiPPEE  I’m so excited. If you’d like to purchase a DVD please send me a message or go to to request a copy. As soon as I figure out how to download a clip from the concert I will post it in my bulletin, youtube, and Myspacetv and in ROG’s Bulletin.

DVDs are $10.00,  and all Checks and/or Money Orders should be made out to
PO Box 15814
Cincinnati, OH 45215-0814

You can also email us at

To discuss booking,  please contact our manager Omar Marshall
If you need his number ask me and I’ll provide. Thanks BABES! Love ya.

There were some technical difficulties getting it finished but it’s been done and it’s beautiful!


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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oh cool, well soon as i have me some money, im gonna order one. i bet its nice

April 10, 2008

Wooohooooo!!!!!!!! */*

RYN: thank you :0) hehe, better late than never right and sure i’d like one, i don’t get paid till next week though.

April 10, 2008

I wish I had money so I could buy it now. Can’t wait to see a clip!!! RYN: It doesn’t really get to close for comfort. It use to, but it has been easy, until she let her pride get the best of her.

April 10, 2008

Now this is what I’m talking about.

Oh, I’m so excited to hear it. I’ll have to get my copy. hehe

April 11, 2008

You’ll look cool and I like your hair. Nice description of your group, “R.O.G. Reflections of God’s music has been described as heavenly, angelic and anointed. Their goal is lead many souls to Christ through song ministry in the areas of exhortation, encouragement, comfort, worship and praise, but first and foremost to “Exhibit the Reflection of God’s attriibutes” Praise the Lord. Couldn’twait to see your clip.

April 12, 2008

Woo Hoo!!!! Congratulations diva!

April 21, 2008

Hey! Where are you at? Missing you…

Hey, where are you? COME BACK Hope all is well sister

Uhm, excuse me…we need an update! Smooches…

I hope everything is okay with you? I miss you!