Weigh in

Did my weigh in yesterday and I’m down -3.2 lbs. Great job *pats self on the back*

I worked my butt off this week literally. I went and got my hair done got my nails done and cut all the way down for a conservative look (I have 2 interviews Monday). did  a little shopping then went rollerskating @ the local rink. I found out that the skating rink has 1sr Saturday of the month Christian skate. It was a blast!!! I invited friends and family and a few showed up. It was PACKED too. Man what a workout?!?! I trhink I lost 10 lbs by the time we left. My butt and legs and back are sore today lol. My the time the skating rink closed my pants were baggy and almost falling off. Talk about a good workout? Yeah so I’ll be there next month on 1st Saturday too. Alot of people want to come out to it too. Had a great talk with my cousin about faith and overcoming family issues. She is my hairdresser by the way. She has rededicated her life to Christ and been coming to church and growing for about 6 months now. And her husband is now saved as well but they are going through counseling. They are newlyweds and still learning each other and working through personality clashes. We had a really good talk. Got to laugh and cry about the generational curses  in our family and how we overcame it and the stigma of low self esteem and always down talking each other that is rampant in our family. And before I left the shop I got a chance to witness to someone in the shop. Well actually a bunch of people while trying to point some things out to her. She wanted to debate but it wasn’t working. God was giving me so much Word and scripture about topics we discussed it just couldn’t be done.

Church turned into a huge deliverance service. Pastor couldn’t even preach the spirit was so high. People were literally being delivered in the praise. Folks were slain some were dancing together some were waving flags,  hugging each other and consoling and encouraging one another. It was absolutely awesome and a few people recommitted their lives to the Lord and joined the church. Healing came forth,  it was just awesome I’m telling you.Just a blessing. then to come outside to 60 degree weather with sunshine was like icing on the cake AND i have tomorrow off. YESSS!!!!

This friday c oming up I will be turning in my voluntary seperation and living a life of freedome until the next assignment comes. Which is probably at the end of the month when I get this job I’m interviewing for. It’s an excellent opportunity that a contracting firm called me about. They submitted my resume for 2 different positions on the same Job,. And for both positions I completely fit the candidate description. But it pays almost 10 dollars more than what I make now. What an excellent offer!!!! I’m so excited about this yall. I went yesterday and bought me a black blazer and some sensible black shoes with a kitten heel. So I’ll dress appropriately for the positions I interview for. I got my nails cut down and painted a very neutral dark mauvish pink. So as not to draw attention to it. I think I’ll try to get in to see a dermatologist and dentist tomorrow too. My scalp is really looking bad here lately the seborheic dermatitis is flaring up with a vengance and my hair is not growing because the scabs are covering up my pores and blocking them, then it crusts over an looks horrible. My coworker didn’t want to give me the whole day off LOL imagine that! HAHA! He knows I’m not staying. If he didn’t know before he knows now lol.

My eating today has not been so good but I only ate one meal and after I sleep I plan on walking it off lol,.

SO my goals for this week is about the same. My stomach is once again shrinking (Thank you JESUS) and my back is coming down. So is my face. The water increase is really helping.

Goals for the week:

1.Remember to pack lunch at night  before

2. Stop eating after 8:30

3. Drink half of body weight in ounces of water (doable)

4.Exercise 4 times a week

5. Try to stay as close to my daily points value as I can.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28

~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.

Ronnie (OD member)




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April 6, 2008

Congrats on losing weight! I need too desparately 🙂 I wish you the best on your job interviews too!!!

April 6, 2008

Way to go, girl!

Awesome progress on the the eating, working out more and losing weight.

April 6, 2008

****claps*** that’s fantastic! congrats on the loss! I know you’ll get the job. Enjoy your time off.

April 6, 2008

Joins you in patting your back. Praise God.

April 7, 2008

*Definitely hoping you get that position* 🙂 I love how this has not knocked you down at all. Instead I see an energy in you that’s so encouraging. That’s a huge sign your faith is in check…you have peace and joy in the midst of the “unknown”. God is faithful and why couldn’t we trust Him in this? It’s not like this was a suprise to Him by any means. I’m rooting for yah girl!

Congrats on the loss!

I’m so excited for you. Good stuff with the weight loss and blessings as you go into this interview. Smooches…

April 8, 2008

Transitions! Your Church seems such a blessing. don’t be surprised if I show up one day. Good to hear how the body of Christ is doing. Prayers concerning your job situation. May God richly bless you with gainful employement.

April 10, 2008

Good job on the weight loss! Congrats on the career moves.