New level emerging

This new level of spiritual growth is amazing LOL!

This morning I got up and I contemplated the entering my voluntary seperation (layoff) agreeance today…. We have until April 14th to turn it in and if the quota is not reached then they resort to involuntary seperation where you just get picked. My mind is already made up I know I’m leaving. But I just want to weigh WHEN. That is the big question. Do i wait it out until the 14th? or am I afraid the quota will be reached out of fear and greater severance packages and the quota is reached before the 14th leaving me with the task of having to stay in this place. So I wake up this morning and pray about it. I get to work and before i get out of the car I pull out my bible and Zoom in on this scripture Ecclesiates 10:1-4 but verse 4 sticks out to me. ANd it says do not quit when your boss is angry with you (Contemporary english version). So I’m thinking Ok God so your telling me today is not the day. Well at about 3pm I get called into the Boss’s office. I get introuble for something that I normally wouldn’t get in trouble for. HMMMMM I get it! It was a warning from God of what was to come. LOL!

And the same thing happened yesterday. It’s like I’m just moving to the rhythm of his heartbeat :). And my prayers have been availing and affective all Glory to God! This is awesome.


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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that is awesome girlie. i wish i had a way out with pay haha, with my job lol