Watching God at work *edit*

Well you all know how I told you about the layoff and the news and how I know that God said if he closes one door he will open another?

Check this out. Last night after I got off of work I went home and got ready for praise and worship practice. Got to the church and we went over a couple of songs. Fellowshipped while the musicians were learning the new songs and chatting. Well in the midst of an encouraging conversation with Elder and myself about work. My cell phone rings. I see it’s my aunt. We don’t talk NEARLY as much as we used to. She’s on the phone telling me that some guy she knows wants to tell me about something having to do with ROG.

Background for those of you that don’t know. Our praise and worship ministry at my church turned as an outside singing group given by divine direction from the Lord on all of our behalf. The birth of that group was given a name R.O.G. (Reflections of God); As a praise and worship ministry we had people from all over asking us why we haven’t recorded and there has been prophecies over and over again that God was going to do great things within our group. Prophectic Word has come through Bishops,  Apostles,  Prophets and our own Pastor. We’ve had dreams and visions about it and back in Feburary right before our very first concert it was within all of our spirits corporately that God was going to do a quick work too. Everyone had their resignation letters ready for their jobs except for me. I was safe and wanted to be comfortable getting a steady paycheck. And I still; feel that way but I see that God is moving quickly and taking me ot of my comfort zome as far as employment but  he has already given me strategy on how to work when this current position is all said and done.

Anyway while on the phone with my aunt she puts this guy on th phone that says he’s heard so many great things about ROG not only from my aunt but other people as well and he just had to check us out. He said that he has an uncle by the name of Bobby or David Cartwright jr. That is the executive producer of the gospel superfest and he wants us to audition to be on this show. It’s just went into syndication after being on for about 7 years. Or it’s in it’s 7th year of syndication. I dunno I was so excited and in awe of God I didn;t hear it all. So he asked if we have a CD/DVD or something with our songs on it that he could send to his uncle because every year  they have an up and coming gospel artist to come and perform on the show. It usually airs on TVone,  or the Gospel Music Channels. or wherever it’s syndicated. He said he’d send in our demo CD/dvd or whatever but the deadline was approaching. If we make the screening we will go to Atlanta for a in person Audition and if we win we get to be on the show! Even if we don’t win we get the exposure that we need because there will be plenty of industry professionals there to check out the new artists. He then warned me that the music industry is very rough so if we get chosen to come down to bring our A game and let the Lord lead us. He’d just gotten back from NY himself as he is a musician and plays backup for alot of different artists. He said he played with Ben tankard recently ,  and Tonex.  told him we will have a DVD available for him to review of the debut concert that we recorded on Sunday because he said he’d be coming to church with my aunt Sunday. So we’ll give him a business card along with a copy of the DVD from the concert.

To those of you that know me talking about this before I WILL be posting snippets from the DVD on youtube just as soon as I get the dvd. We’ve had some technical difficulties with people procrastinating with the video for 2-3 weeks after the concert because they feel that after they volunteered to do the work they would take their time. It’s amazing how peopl that WE helped to help us now all of a sudden want to be paid for inkind services as if they weren’t being compensated although we paid out of pocket for everything that was volunteered and for materials to make certain things. Ppl saw a love offering taken up and instantly their services were no longer volunteered but inkind. yeah right. Well that is why we are so completely satisfied that every single service that was done unto us is completely under contract so no one can try to come back at us with petty claims. I mean we are paying out of pocket for everything. Struggling to get to these studio sessions,  buying outfits,  paying for admin overhead,  this stuff is NOT cheap. And right now NO ONE in the group is making a profit because all money that is donated or given to us goes directly into the completion of this CD, Legal paperwork, overhead,  travel, costume and makeup,  mailing supplies,  graphic artists and printing .

So anyway back to watching God work. Can you believe it? the exact same day I get news of being laid off an offer for the ministry that I am a part of and was told I would have to do fulltime gets the opportunity of a lifetime?

God is so awesome.

*edit* oh yeah and this week my weighin I gained 1 lb but it’s no sweat that’ll be off shortly.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28

~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.

Ronnie (OD member)




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this is ALL good!

RYN: yep she tells everything about her personal life, that is, the stuff she wants us to hear, but she doesnt realize how stupid it makes her look. some of the other coworkers do the same, i used to talk to them, but i wouldnt tell them everything, cause they are all gossip nosy people anyway.

and that whole place is unprofessional really, from using curse words, to talkin bout sex. yeah, i could have a field day with this, since they wanna boo hoo over seein a curse word on my page, although when i wrote that “curse word” it was AT HOME. yeah, talk about double standard.

Wow, this news is terrific! I can’t wait to hear the music. *excited*. I don’t think you know this but my ScreenName here, LS is from my longing for God to hear me when I sing to him and that it be pleasing and delightful to him. Re: Eagles, my BF always sees them and they are a spiritual thing to her, God’s sign to her. I relate them to the book of Isaiah in my mind.

March 30, 2008

This is very exciting news! Good luck!

March 30, 2008

Amazing!!!!!! I’m looking forward to hearing the song. Keep us informed when you appear on the Gospel channel.

March 31, 2008

God is good all the time. RYN: Yes, losing our 11 year-old loved one hasn’t been easy and what more the parents. It happened so suddenly.

March 31, 2008

*awesome* 🙂 *o/* Not that you were enjoying your job a whole lot right? ((HUGS)) Keep us updated sister. Especially me so I can pray for you all!!