Here we go

Welp ladies and gents I’ve been here before so this is no surprise to me but.

I just came from a Mandatory State of the Business meeting with my company that we were told about Yesterday @ Approximately 3:00PM. I knew the fate. As I’ve been through this just last year before I came here.

So the verdict is in. 20% of the office staff will be laid off. You have two choices to make. Voluntary seperation or Involuntary seperation. The payout on voluntary seperation is twice that of involuntary. And from a more unbiased standpoint the company (in my opinion) WILL fold before the year is out.

We’ve had 2 count 2 shutdowns in the month of March alone. And we thrive off of the housing industry. Yeah you know how that goes.

But yall know what? I’m so happy! Ihave peace that is beyond my understanding. If you read my Wednesday you all wouldknow how I feel about this job. I ha–Strongly dislike this place lol. And I prayed to God and yanno what no matter how much I ha-dislike this place I always said. God opened the doors for me to be here and He will let me know when it’s time to Go. He is faithful to his word yall! So FAITHFUL! I could bust out in a dance right now but because of the current mood of coworkers I won’t lol. I have a peace beyond my own understanding. And all throughout the meeting God was just talking to me. So much so at times I couldn’t even register what was being said by the CEO. He kept saying………if I close one door I WILL open another…. Talk about blessed assurance Jesus is mine?!?!?! I promise yall I’m not sad at all right now I have so much joy because just as it was prophesied,  it is coming to pass. ROG is coming forth. Another girl in the group lost her job last week and God gave her a vision of opening up a daycare and God revealed to another member in the group she was going to run it. So tey already are training for state certs. and getting the location and business in order. In ONE WEEK! They already have clients! Tell me God won’t do it and I’ll prove you to be a liar! God gave me this job Literally 1 week after my last layoff @ xerox.. who’s to say he won’t do it again. Or better yet get this ROG project in motion?

All the signs were there and I closely paid attention. The severance package will hold me over and I’ll be looking further into God’s direction for my life. Note I didn’t say My wants for my life I said GOD’S DIRECTION for my life.

Ihave until April 14th to voluntarily quit and to be honest you allknow I want out….1.The majority of office personnell here are lifers. They’ve been here 20 years or more and they’ve built family around and 2.this it would only be logical to make the cut take my severance and follow God’s direction seriously. I mean  i’ve only been here one year my resume is a head bussa and I now have the experience I need under my belt to further my career. Plus I’m young  and I’ve got plenty of time to worry about retiring.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28

~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.

Ronnie (OD member)




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It sounds like the perfect opportunity for you. You wanted out and now it has presented to you. Something else bigger and better will be around the corner for you. All things happen for a reason.

March 28, 2008

I know you are going to be just fine!!

The blessing is not in disguise anymore. I’ll pray for your direction and for the others whom may not feel so great about their layoff.

March 28, 2008

Better things lie ahead hun!!

lol heck i’d leave, i hate my job. I wonder how long my company will last with the way things are goin, work flow gettin less and less.

You are so in the right place. Step forth, enlarge my territory! No LIMITS! Smooches…

March 29, 2008

Yes, God is so faithful though we never know how He will perform His promises. We don’t live on explanations but on His promises. And they are so many. What is “ROG?” I’ve been meaning to ask you. Well praying for His abundant supply from His unlimited riches in Christ Jesus.

March 29, 2008

Wow, it sounds like things just fell right into place for you. It’s obviously a sign that it’s time to move on to bigger and better things! 🙂