Affected and totally not liking it

The weight is coming down slowly but i really do not have a grip on my eating. I mean this week I set minor goals for myself and have thus far been keeping it up. But i miss my Gung Ho-ness of the first time I went into the challenge of losing weight. It’s just not there right now. I dunno why but I don’t have it. I have my happy days,  then I have my low days,  then I have my scraping the bottom of the barrel days. These mood swings are really afffecting me and my energy levels. I don’t like that one bit. Is this part of turning 30 or something? Somebody school a sista.

I set 2 small goals for myself this week since I deviated last week and reflecting on last week I could see the outcomes of that.

2 goals I set was make sure to pack lunch the night before so I’m not scramblin in the morning and rushing to get big Q’s lunch packed and deviating from my workout. ….Check (although they’ve replaced Gilad with Yoga )

2. To drink more water. Last week I hardly drunk any. and I could totally feel it.

I also got my hypothyroid prescription filled thanks to mama seabreeze getting on my case last week lol, I bought vitamins too. So I am confident that there will be a loss this week but I’m still not satisfied with my attitude right now.

I’m in one of those places where I know the Word of God and can use it to encourage myself but I am having some problems activating my faith. Lord help my unbelief…… Like I listen to Gospel,  Christian and praise and Worship music all day and I can hear those Lyrics and try to make myself believe them but I keep coming up short! I suck!

I don’t know if this is a new level of spiritual…whatever but It’s affecting me and I don’t like it.

And I’m sure the stressfulness of the Job is not helping…but I digress.

OMGOsh i know this is totally off topic and partly gross and partly hilarious but MAN i forgot how bad Broccoli farts smell. Whew somebody call an ambulance… I’m killin myself over here!

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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Being on your hypothyroid medicine should help. Just don’t be discouraged (such easy words! LOL!) because it might take a bit for your thyroid levels to return back to normal. Good luck! Every little second that is good is a positive thing.

March 27, 2008

You ate broccoli, that’s healthy!!!!….*cheers* 🙂 Faith is the evidence of things unseen, right? It means when life feels crappy…looks crappy…it’s knowing and acting like God is still in control. The Father disciplines those He loves. And YOU ARE VERY **LOVED** 🙂 (I’m not being sarcastic :-)!) Praying for you sister. Standing in the gap. You will are an overcomer! Though circumstance says something else…don’t listen or agree with the Enemies(Accuser of the Brethren’s) spin on your life. He see’s and fears what you are becoming, mighty woman of God! How is that for encouragment….man that just came all bubbling out all once! */*

March 27, 2008

P.S. The accuser knows our buttons. Keep watch, he’s going after you right now. Don’t give him the time of day sister! ((HUGS))

Yes, set the goals and the results will come. I am such a believer! Smooches…

It may take awhile for you to have therapeutic blood levels for the thyroid. And even once I got therapeutic, I still did not lose weight…I have PCOS…another hormonal problem which makes losing weight difficult at best. But I do find that consistency is the key to weight loss…consistency in both food control and exercise

March 27, 2008

RYN(2): *does a little dance for you* I got yah’ back, sista’.