Busy yet uninterested

This has been the saga of my life this week. I hate my job….no let me rephrase… I highly with strong intent dislike my job. I think I need to get into a new field of work. I mean hey.. IT is a VAST widely s[pread industry right? Pay me no mind as I roll these thoughts around my head. I really enjoyed working in Telecommunications in IT and mobile technology is the new wave of the now and the coming future so that might be cool. I currently work in a manufacturing plant giving IT support for users here for their every whim and call. This is way too much work for one person. I mean yeah now Coworker is helping me and that has eased the load some but for the stress and weight and pressure that it has put on my body I just really don’t wanna be here anymore. The job market sucks and I need some security. Yeah I’m an impulse girl up to a point. And regardless of how much I would LOVE nothing more than to jump ship The income is providing stability.

I think I need to think this all over and get a master plan in action.

THe plant is going heyday crazy because  " THE BELGIANS ARE COMING THE BELGIANS ARE COMING!"

Personally I could care less. But this load that was just placed on my plate that all of a sudden becomes my emergency after YOUR procrastination has set in I am totally not feeling.

I miss call center life. I regret to say it but I do. Yanno that predictable day to day dilbert/office space mode of complacency where I’m not pulled in 15 different directions at once. But alas I have lived this fate for over a year so I guess I just need to quit moping build a bridge and get over it. God opened these doors for me to have this Job and when he wants me to go the opportunity will present itself.

*Oh well Back to life… Back to reality*

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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March 26, 2008

“Personally I could care less. But this load that was just placed on my plate that all of a sudden becomes my emergency after YOUR procrastination has set in I am totally not feeling.” Oh Girl! Man that is totally my work place. Here and at the church. What would they do without us, right? ((HUGS))

It is so funny because I remember when you got this job and I was still hunting for my job. You were so overwhelmed with joy and how impressive you were to all the interviewers. Now we are both ready to move on. Oh Lord, help your needy children. LOL! Smooches…

March 26, 2008

“my emergency after YOUR procrastination” Well said,! And it seems to be the standard all over. They cut back on staff and then wonder why you cannot produce at the same rate. I don’t let it bother me, I let the chipsfall where they fall, right back up past management to the CEO’s and decision makers. Don’t dump your mess on me.

March 26, 2008

If the work don’t get done so be it!

I feel your pain and I dislike my new room immensely. I don’t feel comfortable there. I already know I am down for a change and I just don’t know if I can stick it out till after vacation or not. I’ve had it. I don’t take kindly to this crap. 1) I don’t like major changes without a consult first 2.) The lady I work with is nice but there are no rules in there and it is chaotic and noisy,

she talks too much and is a frantic like person. I am much more laid back and relaxed and I feel like everything is all over the place and it doesn’t have to be that way. Everything causes her to be in a tizzy. I just want to say “chill”

I know what you mean about and emergency because of someone elses procrastination. That sucks.

March 26, 2008

RYN: That was the last entry. I have an idea what happened.

i know that feeling ALL to well about the job. im bout ready to step outta there, specially now that i’m NOT gettin a raise this year. all that friggin work I do for them and i dont get one on a technicality (sp?) that’s THEIR fault. yeah ok. lol

March 26, 2008

I’m sorry about your job situation. When you start disliking your job it effects every aspect of your life. You’re a smart woman though, I’m sure you won’t let that happen. Get a plan together, I know you can do it. 🙂

March 26, 2008

*hugs* you sound stressed out sis. i love you! it’ll all be ok. You know He’s got you. Oh and I’m glad the scriptures helped you out somehow.

Being in a job you don’t like is an awful situation. Hopefully, a new chapter in your life will open soon with another opportunity.

March 27, 2008

uh oh, i hope that you find a job that makes you happy soon…

March 27, 2008

“where I’m not pulled in 15 different directions at once.” Sounds like ‘muti-tasking’ Something I don’t do well.