Point Overloadage?!?!

OMGOSH my WW points are so off the hook and I thought i was really doing excellent and fantabulously spectacular.

That is… until i start calculating. Yeesh! Okay so I think I’ve fallen in love with Crystal light again. And I mean the real stuff not the Knock off,  hot mess,  welch’s,  kroger brand,  generic brand powder water. I mean the real deal. I took a sip this morning and almost fell into a taste coma I stopped talking to someone today to take a moment and my eyes rolled to and a nice little MMMMM came out lol. They looked at me like dang is it that good? LOL.

So I’ve been packing and cooking semi-fresh the past couple of days but my portions are out of control. I have comfortably joined a new higher size in clothing that I deemed myself never to revisit again. But yanno what? I haven’t quit yet. Im still journaling. I’m about to have another crystal light as water is all I’ve been drinking and just enjoying my day.

Oh yeah and wouldn’t ya know it all that snow has almost all but melted away? This trick weather is killing me! Its like 45 degrees outside with beautiful sun rays shining. I had to pull out the shades today.

Welp i guess Gilad and I have another date tonight. that is until I feel comfortable enough to walk outside. I may rotate. Walk , Gilad, Walk, Gilad.lol It is funny when he says "YAh can you FEEL de burn?"


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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LOL i’ve never had crystal light

Proud of you! Keep it up! I don’t know much about points but I’m rooting for ya. I got a girl plan for the next month. I am hot on your trail sister.

March 10, 2008
March 11, 2008

LOl, I like that….taste coma! That’s one good thing about snow this time of year. It goes away pretty quickly.

LOL, I still love Gilad! However, he needs a stylist. Smooches…