Blizz pics and journaling

Man my eating habits are improving but man they are really MESSED UP lol. I’ve pulled out my old WW stuff to journal and take advice. I usually only make it through about week 7 in WW in the past so I’ve decided to use all of the materials and go it alone for the time being until my finances can afford it. I want to lose atleast 30-40 lbs within the next 20 weeks. I think that’s doable. 20 weeks from now is my birthday July 12th so I think that would be a great present (and a trip to the spa which btw I STILL have yet to do). Man I am really looking at my points and I’ve got some work to do lol.

I’m determined that Gilad is out to kill me. Fit tv is the bomb but lordy be they are working a sista! Well alteast my ankles and butt are getting used to me doing lunges. I couldn’t do half a lunge on Thursday now I can actually hold and everything yay me. I forgot about that sore feeling too but I’m getting used to it.

I have attached for  Termi some pics to smile at cause he doesn’t have to deal with this mess blizz pics: Front porch,  Look out the screen door,  and up the street


Back porch and trash cans:


And I don’t know why but this pic of my face sans makeup,  or enthusiasm really intrigues me so I’m changing my avator to it. May scare some of you but i really like it lol Hey look! I really do have freckles! Silly me I thought all that time that those were acne scars :


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

 Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.

Ronnie (OD member)




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thank you! its really awesome to see self-motivated people, weight loss or what-have-you. *applause* ~

I’m so proud of you for working out! Good Job All that snow looks like home.

March 10, 2008

I like it when others are working out coz it rubs on me. Some blizard. Snow looks beautiful, though, even on the rooftop! It’s easier for me to say cos I don’t feel the cold and inconveniences. Take care.

I heard you all got hit with a lot of snow. Where’s spring? That’s a nice picture of you.

Keep up the good work and continue to move that body. For some reason I love Gilad. He makes me laugh. Smooches…

March 10, 2008

^^^^ Gilad makes me cry! LOL! I heard about the weather up there this morning and I was worried about you… I’ll be sooo glad when this crap is over. I would love to lose 30-40lbs by my b-day which is July 8th!

March 10, 2008

What or who is Gilad? How are you doing today, really? ((HUGS))

March 10, 2008

I want snow darnit!!!