Blizzards Schnizzard!

Yep we’re on severe snow advisory. Schools were let out early and the roads were nasty when I went out for lunch so I took a half day vacation. They shut the plant down tomorrow. Good thing I don’t work in the plant… no working on saturdays yayyy! Big Q’s jpb said unless they get a level 3 snow emergency they WILL Be coming in to work. Man I can’t wait for God to release him from that place into something better.

So I came home and cleaned up and put some pizzas in the oven for the kids and then vegged out all day.

Oh oh guess what I worked out today again. 20 minutes straight yipee! On fittv there is some greek guy named gilad that does a body sculpting aerobics workout. I try to keep up with them but man they move fast and work with weights alot. Today was leg day. Tons of Lunges,  and squats. Needless to say my legs feel like they way an extra 10 lbs lol. Do you know how LONG it’s been since I’ve actually worked out with free weights? Like a year and a half. I went groery shopping today and stocked up on healthy stuff like I used to get when I was really into working out and losing. How we veered away from that menu I dunno but I’m trying to get it back on track. I bought plenty of fruit and veggies,  Yogurt (been a while),  Cracklin Oat bran, Celery sticks and veggie ranch dip and Fruit2O water. Also a huge box of Crystal light packages.

 I just may be off to a healthy start. Now I have to manage my Bored snacking pent up in the house issues. Good news is I just got a late night craving and grabbed an apple instead of a rice crispie treat! And Just plain ole H2O no preservatives no packets.

Oh yeah ahd the background is of a walking park that really is in my backyard believe it or not! HA!


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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March 8, 2008

Everything has been cancelled due to the approaching snowstorm that was to come last night,. It is now 6:38 and still no snow. A woman’s group had this big conference planned for this morning with so much work put into it and the director called to cancel it. I know she is thinking “Oh no” I’ll tell her YOU PEOPLE took all the snow and gave us this false alarm.

March 8, 2008

Hey, you want a fail safe exercise program. Join the Marine Corps. We’ll get you into shape less than three weeks. Plus we will provide free travel and housing, and free food shelter and clothing. Have you ever entertained the idea? Hm?

Sounds like you are off to a good start. mmmmmm….Cracklin Oat bran! Yum!

I’m so glad your working out again and veggin right! It will feel better soon. Sorry sister, but, I’m glad it’s you getting snow and not me. It’s already cold enough here. It was -13 when I logged on at 3:00 in the morning last night. Crap, I’m really sick of this

Have fun on the adventure of good health. I’m really having a good ole time! Smooches…

March 8, 2008

Love that Cracklin Oat Bran!

March 9, 2008

RYN: from Discipleship: For three years Prayer has been my primary focus, now my heart is also turning back to Discipleship. I am currently in a discipling relationship with a young man who is hungry for God and all that he has for him. The way our small groups are organized, (some Bible study, food and fellowship), it wouldn’t work with what needs to be done with a discipleship setting.

March 9, 2008

As you can see, it is focused, more training than teaching. They want their small groups to be more fellowship than teaching and training. But that’s what discipleship is mostly all about. What I could do is teach about discipleship and discern who among the group is ready and willing and spend more quality time with them. But I can’t spread myself too thin.

March 9, 2008

On worship, I believe worship leaders should be worshippers first, before they are Worship leaders in Church. If they are not doing it as a lifestyle how can they lead others into the presence of God? It has to be more than about music and instruments. Opps, sorry, these topics get me going. Keep on keeping on.

March 9, 2008

RYN: Just posting the link to the booty blasting stats…no plans to buy a piece of equipment at the moment. 🙂 No, the purse is still out of stock…but I’m on a mailing list to be notified when it’s available. LOL How sad is that?

ryn; I really appreciate your prayers. Thank you so much.

March 9, 2008

“Booty Bottom Blasting?”