5 days annd counting lil emotional

Today in church Pastor had ROG come up to the altar to bless us and stand in agreement with us in prayer as well as the church standing in agreement with us.

I could feel the opposition. It was cool when we were being prophesied too and when we get up on Sundays and minister and basically go hoarse EVERY SUNDAY,  but the more that things come together the envious ppl that we THOUGHT had our backs as far as support and encouragement and prayer have litterally shown a completely different side. So when we first went up for prayer I was skeptical when Pastor asked the church to stand in agreement. But then I just had to focus on God and stand firm and not be afraid to do what God has called us into.

The prayer was good. Really good. I went into an individual prayer and the closer I could feel that I was reaching into the presence of God the more alone I felt. I began to feel as if I needed a hug. A hug that only one person in this natural world could give me but she wasn’t there to give it.  I needed my mother. I don’t know how to really describe this but whenever I go into the presence of God and feel as if I have entered the throneroom these random issues of the heart arise like a wave. Well, this wave I felt like I just wanted the hug of my mother. I can’t even remember when being alive her ever hugging me though. She would try to be affectionate with me and I always pulled away. We just weren’t close so where was all of this coming from? I wanted to get up off the ground and go to my aunt for a hug but I couldn’t move. The more I would pray and cry I could hear this tugging in my spirit saying ‘don’t move,  stay here with me……’.  I used to have crying episodes about my mom the first couple of years after she passed but when I allowed her spirit to be free and let her go home, as she kept asking me to do when she would visit me in my dreams,  I stopped having those episodes. Today it’s like a wave that comes and goes. I think I need to call my daddy. He’s not very sentimental or anything but I don’t really wanna talk to anyone else. I kinda feel like this is a great moment in my life and I don’t have my mom or my grandma here to share it. Now that I think about it I don’t really think I want to talk to anyone about it but God. I think I need to go pray. I’ll holler at you guys later.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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February 24, 2008


February 24, 2008


February 24, 2008

Only natural when moving to a different level to want the comfort and reassurance from those close to us. You are going to be just fine. Don’t let the church people bother you. When you feel God moving, just go….. (((hugs))) I love you.

*hugs* girlie

February 24, 2008

Hey there Darlin’ sorry I haven’t been by much with daddy being sick and a bit of a bear things have gotten away with me. Just wanted to drop in and say that I hope the next time you travel you try my agency, it’s all online and so easy to use. BTW one of the Churches down here Mt. Zion Baptist has one of the agency’s themselves and ended up making a large profit for the church. I was amazed because it was a church that need some help financially, and now they are doing well but anyway…. The site is http://www.traveleasystreet.com btw you seem much much happier since the house…… Heavenly Father is so amazing isn’t he? L.

February 24, 2008

She would try to be affectionate with me and I always pulled away. May be deep within you, you want to make up for it since you always pulled away. Just a thought.


February 25, 2008

Hmm, yah I have those moments. It’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years already since her death. I don’t want to believe it. ((HUGS)) I will be praying for some more closure and healing in this arena. And definitely praying for that upcoming concert! If I lived closer, you know I’d totally be up in the front row Sista! 😀

You know, there just seems to be opposition every way we turn sometimes. I just can’t even deal with it anymore the older I get and I just usually give it to God and say you take care of it and he usually does. Thank God he knows I am spent and I know he is the one that showed me he takes care of things, not me.

February 26, 2008

Hi I haven’t been on the OD for such a long time. About maybe a year. You know I was reading what you were saying about those ppl that you thought would have your back, That was the lord letting you know that you need to lean completely on him. He will always have your back. We are in the natural body and we need to try to be in the spirit as much as we can. God will give you the desires of your H