ice storms

It’s been raining sleet, snow and ice,  temps warming up then dropping back down for the past 2-3 days. sheesh! Kids have been out of school since Thursday when they got out early. I had to go to work so I got one of my sisters to babysit.

Yesterday I was in and out of meetings all day so I had plenty of running around to do as well as working and I was pretty drained. Oh yeah i don’t know if I remembered to tell you guys. Coworker got the position and now I report to him. I kinda figured that just because of how distant my old boss was being. At first I was a little worried about it but it’s been cool because he is actually HELPING me out instead of trying to double check everything I do and giving another lecture on the company. Goodness that man can talk his little head off. He’s bent on trying to show the discrepencies in Belgium right now since they always point out our faults which we really couldn’t help because they hog tied us and took away our admin rights to alot of applications. in since we were only liason and there were so many off network project that I was told not to support that actually RUNS our production and if it were to go down we weren’t even allowed to support it. YEAH right we’d be going in on the back in creating work around fixes and not letting them know about it. And I was new to the company and none of this was even explained to me. I was blindly putting out fires only as they’d arise. No training,  no anything,  just do it.

Well now coworker is able to include the back end stuff into our arena and work with me as well as train me on alot of other things. that’s cool.

Made the first carnote pament yesterday which automatically came out of my account so I couldn’t even miss it. Now THAT i can dig! ANd the payments are so low I don’t even miss them coming out. Yay me! lol

We have 6 days until the concert and I am excited and nervous at the same time. People from my job have planned to carpool and surprise me and come on down. I found out when somebody asked me for directions lol duh. They announced it on the local radio stations,  I don’t know how they got the info but I’m excited about that. I have a friend that may come down from IL to the concert she is my kindred sister in the Lord. I can’t wait I’m so excited. If I had enough time to play around I’d put a ticker at the bottom of this entry.  Here is the advertisement.



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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Only 6 days! Good luck. I hope your concert is a success. You look becautiful in the advertiseent.

oh coool, i bet thats gonna be awesome. and about the coworker, turned “boss” been there, still doin that lmao. but at least yours isnt a pain in da butt lol.

we are gettin lots of snow here too, and some ice GRRR hate winter lol

February 23, 2008

I wish I could be there!

OMG I am sooo excited for you and your concert. When will there be a CD available? Your report to boss would be looking out for his own best interest to teach you new things and train you. he’s no dummy, it will make him look good and take some workload off him. Allocate, allocate allocate. Which in the end you will know more and knowledge is power, honey. OH I wish I could

go to the concert, HOOT HOOT!

Nice ad, I’m praying for you all! Smooches…

February 24, 2008

Sounds like you have been a busy lady. 🙂 Beautiful Ad.. may the concert be a success. My prayers are with you. God bless you.