Lunar Eclipse Dorky scenarios

I swear lastnight my mind was all over the place. I am such a Dork! Watching the Lunar Eclipse I begin to think of all those scifi action movies that talk about  " At the aligning of the planets evil will be unleashed upon the earth!!"  Due to some idiot that wants to take over the world and reign supreme mess SMH lol. So I prayed All the way home from church last night like a dork. Please don’t let evil take over the world,  Please don’t let evil take over the world…….. I think i watch WAYYY too many movies lol. Darn you Lara Croft and tomb raider,  and indiana Jones and all other conspiracy theory archeological movies! lol

Then as the moon began to turn red I began to freak out again after calming myself down. I kept thinking of that scripture about when Jesus was coming back how the moon would turn to blood or something like that. I’ll find the scripture later. But when I wasn’t saved for years I had dreams about the world coming to an end. And in these dreams the sun would turn red as blood and Jesus would be coming and my Grandmother would always tell me to run to the church. In these dreams I always woke up right before the world came to an end. I would be at the door of the church  then wake up. So I had this fear of orange and pink skies. Still do actually lol. One time while sleep ( I was in a backslidden state) in my dad’s apartment. We had a HUGE living room window and lived on the 3rd floor to the view of the sky was plain as ever. Well one day I took a nap mid day while it was raining on the livingroom floor and when I woke up it had just stopped raining and the sun was setting and the sky was an orange tint. Well when I woke up all I saw was an orange sky and I just starting like really freaking out and crying lol. It took me a couple of minutes to realize it was only the sunsetting and that no Jesus wasn’t coming back yet and gonna leave me to burn in hell LOL.

Funny thing about those fears and those dreams is. Once I got saved I stopped having those dreams. Talk about a warning lol. It was like my Grandma was warning me in my dreams lol.

Oh yeah I have a victory report.. my uncle that has been coming to church…. the one that no one ever thought would come and blah blah blah,  that got saved and joined the church and so on and so forth. Well he’s had Chrome’s disease all his life. It’s a really painful stomach and colon disease that causes him to be in alot of pain. He gets boils and everything and can’t sit or stand it’s just really painful and he’s had this disease since he was a boy. Well just here recently he had another flare up and had to go to the hospital and have some of the boils cut off and get surgery and all. We’ve really been praying for him. He had to go to get a colonoscopy because the doctors thought he had colon cancer or some obstruction and that was causing the flare ups. He’s a very quiet person and he doesn’t really talk about much with anyone,  hence my shock at him coming to church cause I’d never ever seen him in a church as a child and my aunts and uncles always said that he never came,  so him getting saved was NOTHING but the Lord.

 Well anyways on the victory report….. After his colonoscopy the test results came back yesterday and there is NO CANCER there! Or obstructs THANK YOU JESUS! His smoking and drinking can cause flare ups and just the abuse that he’s done to his body in the past years yanno God is healing his body. He knows it because though he is in pain he has hope and faith in his healing. He still struggles with some things but Thank God for grace keeping him. I will continue to encourage and pray for him and watch this miracle take place. I’m telling yall God is just soooo awesome! And I know his latter shall be so much greater than his past. He is 38 years old and still here by the grace of God. He has done alot of wrong in his life and I know that just cause you change doesn’t mean the game will but I am really keeping him lifted in prayer. Also for those that he’s done wrong in life I pray that retaliation and other things don’t come up against him. But that he makes amends and is able to freely celebrate his victories in Jesus. Hallelujah!



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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That’s good news about your uncle. I wanted to see the lunar eclipse but I was asleep by 8pm.

February 21, 2008

I totally forgot about that last night. Um..not that I would of stood outside in the below zero temps…*giggles* Though I do have to say the moon was hanging low and very shiny this morning before the sun came up. It was kind of freaky.

Hehe, I was thinking the same things watching the eclipse!!! Yay God! 🙂 That’s awesome he has no cancer!

February 21, 2008

Thank God for healing!

Amen, Victory in Jesus. I remember information like that to when I was a child, smear ashes on your door. lol Now I know what it means. More and More comes to light doesn’t it? Now, being Obama is so Charismatic, I wonder since the anti-Christ comes in the form of light and is supposed to be charismatic and all. Time will tell. I just wonder who will pop on the scene and make peace intheworld?

Thanks for the notes! HAVE YOU CAUGHT THE HAPPY BUG?! hehe.. “spiritual fruits have to be earned through Obedience and not just handed to us on supernatural platters” AMEN! XXXX God Bless

lol i saw the moon eclipse thingie, but ive never seen it red lol. R would be into stuff like twighlight zone, and he does like ‘scary’ movies, nothin seems to scare him lol.

lol i meant to say he loves, the sci-fi channel. he was watchin it this morn

that is awesome about your uncle too, thank GOD 🙂

RYN: Thanks for stopping over. I wish I had a better zoom so I could have gotten mor detail of the moon. I’m happy with what I got. It was freezig outside though! By the end my fingers could barely hit the shutter release. lol Oh and that is wonderful news about your uncle.