GAHHH!!!! edit

Either one of my kids have gotten me sick or I’m just moody and grouchy today. I woke up early but my head would not respond to I kept rolling back over till TOM hit me like a ton of bricks. GAH!

Yeah yeah Happy V Day

I feel like crap and I wanna hit someone so bad, I dunno know who but I guess whomever is in arms reach lol stay back. Is this post PMS or something? Goodness gracious! I just took some ibuprofen and I promise not to freak out. So technically if I DO have a cold virus they last what like 7-10 days? Okay I might be safe,  lets see the concert is about 15 days away so I might make it. I cannot have a damaged voice and expect to sing and it come out sounding decent.

I will Not Freak out,  I will Not Freak out,  I will Not Freak out……

Oh yeah and the ‘IT Reorganization’ meeting is today. How lovely


Well wouldn’t ya know it As soon as I got done with this post I got a call from the school nurse sayin Lexy’s temp is at 102 degrees. I let my bosses know, I tried getting my aunt to pick her up so as not to miss the meeting but I couldn’t catch her so I found someone else to pick her up but they weren’t listed in the emergency contact list as an available person to pick her up and Quincy wasn’t allowed to leave work. So I told My bosses and I have left and am now home. Yay me. Coworker was so mad he wanted to find out if he has the position or not and me leaving caused the boss to have to reschedule until tomorrow. I mean who cares whether you get the position or not you already micromanage IT so does it really matter? You don’t do any physical work you try to get me to do that and you delegate things that have nothing to do with you. Get over it! I’m just glad I’m at home right now. Lexy has taken some medicine and gargled some warm salt water,  I’m making her tea with honey and lemon as we speak Lil Q will catch the bus home so that means I’ll take some medicine continually spray disinfectant through the house and try to lay down. 

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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February 14, 2008

Sorry this was teh first thing that came to mind. Hopefully it gives you a laugh 😉

Let’s see if I’ve got this straight, You feel like hitting someone and the IT meeting is today. Oh Lord I guess I will pray while I’m sick What is TOM? Feel better soon.

RYN: Yes I think you should leave immediately but I have been at work the past 2 days wanting to leave and haven’t.

awww *hugs* hehe

February 14, 2008

Awhe…poor Lexy. A good recoup PMS day to! ((HUGS)) Our Lord Multi-tasks in His mysterious ways. (along with aggravating your co-worker) *giggles*

February 14, 2008

Ugh, sorry about your v-day. I hope that baby feels better soon.

Yikes, I hope you don’t get sick and I hope that Lexy feels better soon.

I HATE being sick. Sister, get the meds in now and the germs will leave. Good thing about disinfecting the house. Feel better soon! Smooches…

praying for a speedy routine to health