Monday Monday

I’m so proud of myself. Last night I didn’t go back for seconds during dinner and I had a proper amount of dessert yay me. And get this yall I didn’t drink any pop (soda for all you out of towners lol) all day! I’m sooooo proud of me. I’m gonna try to stay on this water kick for as long as I can. I used to be a water freak I dunno what happened. At one point during this year Pop WAS my water lol. 

And I got up and walked this morning in -3 degree windchill temps. BUt I didn’t feel a thing I was properly bundled yay me :). i packed lunches last night like i was supposed to,  And i’ve been one washing and drying clothes freak! We got our washer and dryer that i bought off of me uncle for 50 bucks last week. Yeah it’s old and only a little bit bigger than an apartment sized washer but so what?!?! It beats loading up the car and going to a laundromat ESPECIALLY after living in a HOUSE how embarassing lol. And like I said it was 50 Bucks. Heck that’s one trip TO the laundromat for me lol.

Okay so Monday… today is Monday. Coworker was out of the office Thursday and Friday and it was bliss for me. no asking questions or trying to doublecheck my work. Don’t get me wrong work was work and I had my share of fires to put out but it was cool to organize my day which I am learning to do. Anyways so today he’s back and trying to throw things on me to do. I have enough on my plate! All you do is sit around and facilitate and expect me to fetch like a doggie. I THINK NOT. I had to lay the law down today. He asked me to do this and this and I told him. Look I’m working on time management and learning NOT to run myself ragged. Certain things will just have to wait until I can get to them or YOU  can get to them. I’m not stressing myself out in this place. If Belgium can hog tie me while in the process of completing something for days and the customer can wait than I am TAKING MY TIME doing these things. He completely agreed and says he’s trying to slow down and do the same as well as cover our butts so that we don’t become the blame for everything. Okay agreed. Moving on…..

Then I have the CFO come to my cube and tell me that this week we will have a meeting about some organization changes. I take it coworker has been approved for the position he asked about and they will soon set up HIS dept. I’m not really concerned with what will happen to me. I know that God will make a way. Hopefully I’m still employed here but if not then so be it.  

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28

~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.

Ronnie (OD member)




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February 11, 2008

Rock on Sista! 🙂 Eliminating caffienated beverages will do wonders. (oh fyi, becareful on some of those sports drinks that advertise how good they are for you. Some of them have the same amount of sugar/cal/carbo’s as soda if not more. It’s craziness.) Plain water is best 🙂 Praying!

February 11, 2008

So you had a super woman morning?!? I used to do that, but now I’m worn out *sigh* Mikyah started asking for pop! LOL I think soda would be a bit much for her to say ;o)

February 11, 2008

OMG girl. I gotta do something. I just read an article in the new yorker about a young lady who died at the age of 35 in her husbands arms…at their reception during their first dance!!!! How crazy is that? I gotta get it together. To the gym I go at 12:30!!!

February 11, 2008

BTW, she died from heart disease!

Glad you put some boundaries up. Washing machines are nice to have that’s for sure. sometimes, we just gotta wait. been there. Have a nice day. Proud of you for walking and drinking water.

Keep up the good work. You know your role, your responsibilities so “model” that for him. LOL! Smooches…

I was in the process of reading favs when OD went down the other day and I think I was in the process of reading you. I love having a washer and dryer. It’s nice to just be able to throw in one pair of pants if I want. Not environmentally friendly but…. LOL, I call it “pop” too! Good job on portion control. I try not to drink too much pop because I try to stay away from caffeineand fake sweetners. And..I’m super impressed that you’d walk in the freezing cold. I’d have found a reason not too.

RYN: thanks for ur note girlie. I’ll be prayin and talkin to God about things too. what tips do you have, that i could use? I’ve never been a wife (lol) soo not sure what to expect, but i know that both parties involved have to make efforts in makin it work, keepin each other happy, and stayin strong in God together as well as individualy. when we have more “solid” weddin and honeymoon plans i’ll be sure to update hehe.

lol i havent heard it called “pop” until i moved up here, i STILL like to call it soda lmao. I have said pop a few times, R calls it “pop” most of the time, but it’s still soda to me lol