Happy one year Anniversary to me / Rock the Vote

I made it. One year in hell. Well since I’ve learned how to go with the flow it’s nowhere near as stressful as it was in the beginning. So that makes it a learning experience right? I have learned to actually settle down and just do my job at MY pace until it’s completed without stressing over not being trained on anything or have the technical competency to complete projects. Yay me! I no longer want to run out like my hair is on fire so I guess that’s a good thing right?lol

My coworker is determined to become a CIO so I just let him chase his own tail for the time being and not worry so much about other ppls positions. Because if he does become CIO he can build his own team,  Which I would not be a part of and ao that they can operate around Corporate over in Belgium. Hence I am the Carrot dangling in front of the Donkey so to speak to be their distraction. I used to be worried… well what happens when this little "team" that he builds becomes so self sufficient that they no longer need to carrot to dangle? What happens to me?Welp… I don’t care anymore. I’ve learned to start trusting God through it all. And to be completely honest I didn’t see a future here anyway. My original intention was to stay here 2 years build up my resume and skidattle on out of here. Well one year is complete. and I move into  year two. I’ve gotten absolutely no recognition for a year being here but then again I really didn’t expect it. Heck i wouldn’t have noticed it if not finding some old documents from 02/05.07 lol.

An-tee-ways… I plan on voting today. I love the hype around the presidential hopefuls and the change that society is looking for but one thing that really bothers me here lately is how we only ‘Rock the Vote’ during presidential elections. I mean come on people! Vote on local issues that REALLY effect you and ultimately will affect WHAT decision our future president makes depending on Congress and The House Representatives. Don’t get hyped about voting every 4 years,  make it a constant committment. Last presidential election I was a bit let down by the voting system and I actually felt like my ‘popular’ vote didn’t matter because it was all about swaying the electoral voters. So I made a better decision. I decided to worry more about the lawmakers and than the public puppet  that gets the praise or the blame for everything (hello next presidential hopefuls lol). I vote on congretional issues,  and bills being passed in my state, city or neighborhood. because that is ultimately what will stand the test of time. The Reps that We put in office whether intentionally (voting them in) or not (not voting them in) will determine our fate in the days ahead. Yes I will vote. Yes I support my candidate whom i will not mention, but I will also continue to "Rock the Vote" For city council issues,  School Levy’s,  Tax Levys,  Business Levy’s etc. You see THAT is something that DIRECTLY effects me,  and I gotta stand yall.  Okay I’m stepping off of the soapbox now.


Back to your regularly scheduled programs…….. 


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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Well said about voting. I will be voting tonight. I find the whole process very interesing and I’ve watch alot of the debates for both the dems and GOP. I’m not going to talk about who I’m voting either because I feel like that just opens up a whole can of worms. I like my nice peaceful little diary with no drama.

February 5, 2008

Preach it sista. Greg would totally be all behind you on that paragraph! You made it to one year! Woot! *o/*

February 5, 2008

Because I live in such a political time, people rock the vote for EVERY election! It’s serious business around these parts lol. I’m still not impressed with the lack of Black voters, especially in our age grou.

I remember when you first started…can’t believe it is a year already…

One year sounds like an understatement. Glad your voting, hope my candidate wins. lol