Open the eyes of my heart Lord *edit

*I haven’t written this week for a couple of reasons.

1. I’m going through some changes naturally and physically for the bettering of me yet it hurts so bad in the process.

2. I’ve mourned and grieved for the body of Christ about a shattering revelation that the Lord has given me that makes me examine myself as a christian and where I stand on certain things. And it hurts to see that 80% of the Black Church is being deceived  by this thing.  I’ll post some youtube clips to better show you what I mean.

It’s really hard to talk about this because I am currently being delivered of something that I never though was a problem in the first place. But Holiness without no man shall see God,

God has shown me that he is drawing a line in the sand and it’s either ,or. No Straddling the fence,  no trying to have your cake and eat it too,  no lost in the valley of decision. It’s for or against and depending on where you stand will determine where you end up.

There are certain things that God has shown me that we has Christians just have to be real about.Certain things common sense wise that we as christians KNOW are wrong but continue to do anyway. I won’t go into too much detail right now but Just keep me lifted in prayer as the message comes out because it’s not a user-friendly or people-pleasing message that God is birthing. But it is a call to awakening from a spiritually lukewarm state to hot or Cold for God.

Here is a bone chilling and shocking video about the perilous tmes and the signs of Christs return that I’ve come across this week:




There is a 7 part series but it is very eye opening.

And recently my cousin was all excited because she had purchased this CD from EX-Ministries about the truth behind Hip-Hop. Those of you that have been on the net for YEARS I’m sure have heard of this man and checked out his site. If not PLEASE DO: I checked out his site about 3-4 years ago and was really touched by this ministries message. But I took it as that and there were a couple of things that I didn’t agree with but for the most part I agreed with most of their views. Well let me tell you the website and the CD’s are two diff things. Sometimes when reading something the tone can be misinterpreted but when you see the person speak you understand it better. Well my cousin purchased his CD’s and we watched a couple. OMG this man is truly indeed a messenger from God. And he begins to literally take the covers off of the devil’s plan and expose him for who he is and how he is really affecting the Body of Christ. The reason why I know this to be true is because watching him preach I began to really examine myself and I don’t straddle the fence or perpetually sin. I try my best to live a lifestyle of worship and Holiness but I saw some things in myself that needed to be delivered. And thought dear God, if I thought I was walking upright and then my error was revealed to me what on earth is going on with the Body of Christ in general? This man traces Hip Hop back to the days of Pharoah and Moses yall and how it is DIRECTLY connected spiritually RIGHT NOW. Blew my mind. And it’s straight up Devil worship by way of deceit. On the part of the artists AND the consumer. I know that after seeing this there will be arguments against it but if you have the true spirit of God living on the inside of you you will understand it. Try is by the Word of God. Do your research and understand that this man is truly a messenger sent by God about this. It hurts when the truth is revealed but God said that Jesus was coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle and 2Timothy 3 prophecies it all. I know for a fact that what this man is talking about to be truth also because AS SOON as Big Quincy and my eyes were opened the enemy has tried to attack us spiritually by the boatload. I won’t go into detail but it went beyond spiritual attack into the natural. Why would the enemy try to stop a message that doesn’t bother him? If it was of null affect no one would be bothered by it. Take that as food for thought.

2 Timothy 3(KJV) 1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.


Also Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. Checkout the videos when you get a chance. THere are links to the others but to get to full effect you have to purchase the CD’s and believe me it is a life changing eye opening thing to see:


*edit***skreeching halt on a couple of things with prayer that

God has just revealed to me……….

The first clip shown is right but the commentary on praise and worship I do not agree with and the reason for that is because in prayer after posting these clips God showed me that I have written quite a few worship songs titled: I need you,  I command my soul to praise you,  etc.,  that have a reference to my relationship with God and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that these songs were Holy Spirit inspired and the words in some of those songs were even given in prayer. So I cannot agree with that statement but I do agree with the message overall. I actually posted up the wrong link I thought I had another one. But I still stand by alot of things that this minister is saying so I will keep this posted.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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My computer is doing something silly and I cannot fully view the videos. But I have STRONG opinions about what is Christian priority. What in the world are we working? There are so many things that we NEED to focus on and we get caught up with interesting causes. I will save my views, but we all have to answer for ourselves. Smooches…

Girl I knew all about G Craig Lewis, the man is awesome. I posted a blog he did once about the church, and BOY that started some drama, a lot of people thought he was wrong, especially those who are guilty of some of the things he says God told him about the Church and how Christians handle “worldy” issues. My mom has two of his DVDs. soon as i get some real money, im gonna get them plus his mostrecent one. He talks all about the history of hip hop and other such music that has “hidden” stuff in the music, with or without the lyrics. I’ll have to watch these when i get home. i can’t get on youtube at work.

Wow, sister I have sat and listened and did my dishes as well through these videos. Thank you for posting them. I like Glen Beck as he is not afraid to have the other side on his show and I find it refreshing to watch his program often. The ExMinistry guy is interesting and I didn’t find much offense in what he said about music. I think he was just stating praise and worship is about God, all

about him (God) and should be nothing more than for him. Other music is about relationship born out of relationship with him and there is a time and a place for that but what he was speaking of was the CORE of what praise and worship is, is all about God. I like his teaching too. Like the song says, I’m going back to the heart of worship and it’s all about you , it’s all about you Jesus. I’m

sorry Lord for the thing I’ve made it, and it’s all about you, it’s all about you Jesus.

RYN: he just saw what i looked at, the dress i designate as my “IT” dress, he won’t see me in till the wedding day. I ought not show him no more, though, since he was too chicken to go anyway lol. and thank your for your comment hehe.