new beginnings in 2008 + pics of the new house

OKay so here’s what has changed in my transistion:

I have dropped a few ministries that I was supporting because no one was available to fill the gaps and now they are.This has caused me to focus more on my call to intercessory prayer and walking in it prophectically (sp)

I have relaxed my hair (gasp YES i did it AND… lol) will post pictures.

I have gotten my nails done (it’s been over 2-3 years yall seriously lol)

I have begun to take better care for myself and my appearance. (divatude is back.. in a good way)

I have moved to my new house which I am loving by the way… I have tons of pics to follow.

So those were a couple of changes that I wanted in effect right before the new year so as to no wavering about what I was going to do or trying to weigh my options to make decisions. I am an extremist. When I do something I go all out,  I am also impulsive which can be a blessing and a curse. Nonetheless the physical and common sense changes have occured and so now I have to get on my other goals. I don’t remember nor have the energy to recap 2007 let’s just say I’m glad it’s over. 2008 is the year of new beginnings and I know that God has a whole heap in store for me. I just want to make sure that my life and my lifestyle is lined up pleasing and holy to him.  My diary title will go from Change is hard to New Beginnings. I think I have overcome alot with change and I am conforming as God would have me to so that phase of my perspective is gone and it’s time to get into the mindframe of new beginnings. The number 7 represents completion and the number 8 represents new beginnings. God completed some things in my life in 2007 whether it hurt or was a heck of an uphill battle to managed. It was still completed,  so this 2008 is a new beginnning,  to things in the kingdom of God in my own personal life and in my perspective. Welcome 2008.

Well I’m trying to condense this entry so that I can add all of the pictures and not have you guys reading for days lol. I had to stay home today and yesterday because yesterday Lexy’s throat was hurting and I had to take her to the doctor and they started at the new school today but I didn’t get any transportation info or class schedules. Both kids were really nervous about starting a new school and making friends and stuff too. So I dropped the kids off at school and talked to the principal and their teachers and I have to sign them up for the extended day program but they cannot participate until tomorrow plus they get out of school an hour early today. So I figure it would be pointless to come to work late then leave early when I have PTO available. So here I am at home taking pictures.

lol funny thing though. It’s so peaceful serene and quiet I was outside taking pictures and almost jumped out of my skin at hearing  a woodpecker pecking a tree in the backyard LMBO! It’s been such a long time since I’ve been in such a peaceful environment. Quincy has fallen in love with the neighborhood lol. There’s no loud music,  no ruckus going on.. just peace quiet and a beautiful scenery. Sometimes I just sit in the kitchen and open the blinds and gaze off into the backyard and the woods. Man that is a beautiful thing.

OK on to the pictures:

Living room:


Master bedroom (please ignore the mess we haven’t bought out bedroom suite dressors yet:

Lexy’s room:

Lil Quincy’s Room:

Bathroom( it has a laundry shoot to the basement Yayy!):


My new appliances ( I LOVE the stove!!! We got it on sale at a great price! The fridge is 18 Cu. Ft. so it’s pretty big)

Now lets go to the basement:

Family Room:

Office/Prayer Room ( it will be carpeted soon. the last tenants kept dogs and they peed and pooped everywhere the carpet was stinking up the whole house so we had it removed.:

The ‘other room’ on the other side of the curtain in the family room. We may out a weight bench in there or something heck I don’t know. ANd there is a half bathroom that the last tenants destroyed that is a future project. I didn’t include those pics:


The Laundry Room( that old school laundry tub is coming out lol. We haven’t purchased our washer and dryer yet but it’ll go in that corner. Oh yeah and there is the furnace and water heater.

Now lets visit the back yard and the carport. looks like we’ve had some visitors… see the tiny footprints lol:

And this is my favorite thing. The scenic look. I can sit in my kitchen and look out and relax:


Oh here is the new do lol:

I’ve got alot of weight to lose lol. But I love the picture!

Oh and the hands lol:

Man it takes FOREVER to do these pic entries sheesh!



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)





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OMG, I love the house! It seems like a good transition place for the family. I never get my nails done either. I get manicures, but I do not do the fake stuff. I’m way too cheap. Last but SURELY not least…THE HAIR!! It looks great on you, but you know I’m gonna give you a hard time! Love ya!

January 3, 2008
January 3, 2008

OOOh I am so happy for your new beginnings! Looks like 2008 is starting off just nice for you. And I love your hair, it’s beautiful! :o)

Oh, Your the Bomb, love that hair. : ). Mine is still crappy and undone. Yikes! I’ve never had fake nails yet, I figure I don’t take care of the ones I have. Happy Happy House! Happy New Year!

January 3, 2008

RYN: LOL 🙂 Glad you liked it.

January 3, 2008

Girl- you are STUNNING!! Love the attitude!! Youre amazing!! And wait- a laundry shoot?!? Im SO jealous!! The place looks awesome!!

January 3, 2008

“I am an extremist. When I do something I go all out, I am also impulsive which can be a blessing and a curse. Nonetheless the physical and common sense changes have occured and so now I have to get on my other goals. I don’t remember nor have the energy to recap 2007 let’s just say I’m glad it’s over.” This pretty much sums me up! 😀 All the way or nothing. And I’m definitely glad 2007 is over. Welcome to the year of triumph of 2008! (((HUGS)))

January 3, 2008

P.S. You look marvelous, woman! Wo-man…wooooman…WOMAN! (Quote from Animal; Muppet Show)

girl you are beautiful, and so is your hair, and i love your nails hehe That house looks really nice, yaaay for new house and New Beginnings in ’08

January 3, 2008

you look so beautiful! i am so glad you love your new place. God bless you so much more this new year girl!

You look so beautiful. I especially like the last one. You are radiant. The house looks nice. I love the laundry shoot. That is very cool. I hope Lexy feels better soon.

January 3, 2008

That is a beautiful picture of you! Congrats on the new house! Looks perfect for the family!

January 3, 2008

Nooooo, not the “creamy crack” LOL. I’m not gonna go nappy militia on ya because you look good, girl. You’ve done it before so I know you’ll lose the extra weight. Congrats on the house!! I Love it… what a blessing!

January 4, 2008

I love this entry. Everything about it is peaceful and beautiful. The house, you, and the words you spoke. Here’s to new beginnings. 2007 seemed to be hard for alot of people….

January 11, 2008

i’m late, but i gotta give my big ups to your new house and the new do! you crossed over—lol– but you look fly and happy. here’s to a wonderful new year! *virtual toast*

January 14, 2008

congrats on your new house (i’m a lurker coming out of the closet) and I CAN’T BELIEVE U PERMED YOUR HAIR…(u do look nice)