Tried at my words

Oh my Gosh guys you will never believe this!!!!

Now that I’ve skimmed a couple of my old entries this is what I meant to tell you all.

Go back and read my ‘And the covers come off’ entry  to understand this one.

Yesterday in Church God tried me at my very words. I was so grateful that I had spoken on the revelation that God gave me about just  listening and being understanding and being REAL with God.

In Church yesterday we had intercessory prayer in the morning like usual but one of the intercessors had to work so she couldn’t make it out. We lifted her in prayer in her absence. Also I got this deep unction to pray for her because her mom passed away last year and she has been going strong not missing a beat about her mom dying but yanno it hits us sometimes and we have to deal with it. Well last week God told me to keep her lifted because with the Holidays coming around she was really feeling down about it so we prayed about that. and normally there are 3 of us and we’ll confess and declare whatever the Lord places in our hearts,  repent for ourselves and on behalf of the church and just flow with each other. We would hit off of each other in prayer and it works perfectly. Well yesterday something different happened. During the course of praying when it was my turn I began to pour myself out in prayer declaring God’s word over alot of situations and declaring obedience to God and his will preceding our own wills. Holiness without no man shall see God type of prayer and I prayed so hard it was crazy. I thank God for my sister that was praying with me because she has a strong spirit of discernment and instead of going on like usual she saw in the spirit that I had poured myself out and instantly began to pray that God strengthen me and fill me back up as I had just poured out myself in prayers. I almost fainted I was praying so hard seriously and I just thank God that she saw that and covered me and we both went down and laid before the Lord and she was blessed. Confirmations came out of that session and God moved in a mighty way during the service.

But the thing that really got me was after praise and worship there was a very high spiritual praise. But when we got done singing and was about to sit down I looked out there was this woman that was toiling within herself. I don’t know if I saw something in the spirit about her or whether it was just my natural eyesight but it drew me to her. i came down out the pulpit and sat next to her and I just put my arm around her. She was crying and praising God but she kept saying….. God I want a divorce I can’t take this no more.

Now the mask wearing christian in me would’ve tried to pray over that and put a bandaid on the whole situation. The holy spirit told me to take her by the hand and lead her to the back of the church and pray with her. Well me being a genius (had a blonde moment)  gets the bright idea. ‘hey I’ll just take her to the altar’ but the holy spirit said louder. Take her to the BACK of the church and pray with her. Again,  blonde moment. So I take her to the back pew and try to pray with her but it still didn’t feel right. She gets louder with her praise and one of the ushers tells me to take her to the back and pray with her. DUH! that’s what you meant holy spirit okay. So I take her to the back and I began praying with her that GOD’s will be done for her life no matter what HIS decision is and that he strengthen her to be able to speak to the atmosphere in her home and in every dwelling place that she resides,  this prayer went for a while and got quite voilent in warfare. Then the holy spirit said tell her to pour her heart out to me. I told her to do so and the !st thing she said was, " Oh God I’m tired of all these people praying for me,  etc etc. " and it just so happens that our finance ministry was walking through the door to where we were to count and put up the money(that’s where I had to take her). And my first instinct was ‘ Wow okay umm,  how do I pray for this and that and—– God then reminded me of my ‘and the covers come off’ entry. I settled down and listened to the Holy Spirit. The finance people left and she continued to pour her heart out to God. She didn’t even realize they were there. I then began to pray for the atmosphere in the room to be a safe place for her so that she could get out all that she needed to get out of her heart. God instructed me to do this and she poured her heart out to God I mean it was beautiful to see her prayer and her outcry go from praising God to being upset about her situation and telling God to realizing that God has changed her and that he wouldn’t put her in a situation where he didn’t think she could handle it. And I didn’t have to say ANYTHING. The holy spirit told me,  just pray that the atmosphere be set and that she can recieve her healing. So I did that. We were back there for over an hour and afterwards we hugged and she just broke down crying. The holy spirit showed me a few things….she couldn’t talk to God like she wanted to at home  because the atmosphere in her house is crazy and coming to Church it’s service as usual and she didn’t want anyone getting mad at her because she wanted to get those things off her heart and she couldn’t wait until altar call to get it out.  But He has made his house and house of refuge and in order to see the things and desires of my heart for God come to pass all I have to do is be obedient and watch him move.

God revealed to me,  that we as saints want to see this miraculous move of God in the services and in every place as if God is going to come down from heaven step into a church service and begin to heal people or move within the building mightily. That is not how he operates. I had this perception myself. But what the saints of God don’t understand and will soon begin to grasp is that the very comforter that Jesus Christ sent upon the earth to seal us until the day of redemption is the one that works the Miracles. So if you have the Holy Ghost on the inside of you then you have the authority and power to reach God and allow him to do the miraculous works that we all pray for through YOU his vessel. But there are 2 conditions to seeing his power break out WITHIN the sons and daughters of God. Obedience and Faith. EXTREME Obedience and Faith without doubting. Once we grasp that concept we are going to see God move so powerfully that it will BLOW OUR MINDS! The spirit of God moves THROUGH those that have the HOLY SPIRIT and are obedient and have faith.

Okay i’m done…. whew wee I’ve been writing some books here lately golly lol.


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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December 4, 2007

I LOVE YOU!!! Man, I love it when you find someone who “gets” it. Feels like when I met Greg all over again 🙂 Amazing story and example! (((((((HUGS)))))))))

Thank you for your obedience. She needed that safe place. I know how she feels. Being in ministry, there are not many safe spaces where you can trust “God’s people” with your stuff, your REAL personal stuff. Did I tell you when I was struggling with depression after Hurricane Katrina the drama I went there. One of my very HOLY friends is against Christians taking anti-depressants and going toa therapist. The devil is a lie! I knew that I needed spiritual and medical help. I dismissed my friend (we are no longer friends) and got the help I needed. So, this is all to say, that when we are obedient to God, the Spirit of God will never lead us astray. Also, as women, we are at a greater risk for spiritual attack because we feel things. Smooches…


December 5, 2007

“Obedience and Faith. EXTREME Obedience and Faith without doubting. Once we grasp that concept we are going to see God move so powerfully that it will BLOW OUR MINDS! The spirit of God moves THROUGH those that have the HOLY SPIRIT and are obedient and have faith.” Amen!