Feeling alot better

Well talked to auntie again yesterday and she got a chance to talk to the tenants and they are gonna clean up the best they can but come tomorrow locks will be changed and the metamorphasis will begin. I’ll try to capture it in pictures. kinda like a 5 s cleaning program lol.

I was really pissed off at Quincy’s attitude about the whole thing and it’s amazing how God can answer a prayer I tell ya. I got home from work and I was so mad I couldn’t see straight. I was going to get something to eat but I knew that my flesh would’ve taken over and I’d clean out the fridge because of my anger (emotional eater here lol) so instead I went and prayed. I got on my knees and got real with God. No sugar coated prayers,  It was a God what am I supposed to do? type of prayer. I prayed that God allow Quincy to atleast SEE my point of view and then the phone rang. I get up from praying a little annoyed answer it and it is Quincy he tells me that he’s talked it over with Auntie and he is cool. I’m like WOW God you answered my prayers THAT fast?!?! Whew I must Really be touching heaven here lately lol.

Then before I went to bed last night I talked to God about alot of things and the Holy Spirit spoke to me that I’m ALOT closer to God’s heart than I think I am. My devotion and diligence does not go unnoticed. Then he confirmed it in my passage that I read later after I prayed. So this is so new to me. I mean watching effectual prayer take place. And FAST at that lol. It’s blowing my mind yall!

one of the prayers that I prayed last night for a loved one God granted. We talked about it this morning and the very thing that I prayed for in her life is happening. I’m so in AWE of God right now it’s amazing yall.

So we’ll probably move in around the 15th-20th of December. That’s fine by me we’ll probably get carpet laid after she paints and have the porch steps fixed then move in.


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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that is so awesome…how fast he changed his mind.

I’m so happy for you! It seems to all be coming together for you.

November 27, 2007


November 27, 2007
November 27, 2007

that is really awesome, congrats girlie

I’m so very happy for you. I will start sending my prayer requests your way! Smooches…

November 27, 2007

yay! *hugs*

Glad for answered prayer but I have to read back to understand some of this sister, thanks for the note

November 28, 2007

YAY, I’m happy for that speedy prayer answer! I know it made you feel so much better! :o)

November 28, 2007