Update on moving

So it turns out that we will have to move at a later date because the tenant that my aunt rented to totally destroyed the house. SHe thought that maybe the damage wasn’t that bad and we went for a walk through just because Quincy had never seen the build of the house and OMGOSH what a mistake! THe house smelled like Dog pee all throughout. This was actually a surprise visit and like I stated before the tenant had until This friday to move everything out. Well they’d already moved out basically. But the house was a mess. They actually BROKE the front and back porch steps!

How on God’s green earth do you BREAK cement steps? It had to have been done with a sledge hammer or something. I mean this is CEMENT with the wire in it. These steps have been up since the foundation was poured on this house. Then They left dishes in the sink there was a used tampon on the floor….. in the BOY’S room EWWWW!

My auntie was soooooo embarrassed and she really didn’t think that her tenant would do such a thing. I mean they didn’t have hard feelings toward each other and she didn’t THINK that they were leaving on such a bad note but they tore that house up. There are holes in the wall where the closet doors go. How do you create a whole in the wall where no one can see it? I’m just confused. So all in all Quincy was NOT happy about the condition of the house and neither was I BUT I know the potential of this house once cleaned up and repaired and I’m trying to stress this to him. We had to duke it out with fellow family members to even mention ME being the recipient of this house and now that the work will be done to it Auntie is really working on getting the porches fixed and the house back in shape cause whether we move in or someone else does the work HAS to be done. I figure why not let it be us? We’ll just wait until she’s done doing her part. We want brand new carpet installed and I told my aunt that which she is fine with. OH and get this the tenant’s painted the living room yellow and red?!?!?!?! The top half of the walls in the living room are red there is a white strip in between then the bottom of the walls are yellow. They even painted the back of the front door WTHeck? It looks soooooo tacky. My aunt was so embarrassed because she didn’t want to intrude on their privacy so she didn’t visit them every month to inspect because she trusted that they would take care of the house. All she wanted was rent. But man oh man they really tore up the house and the porches. So we’re figuring costs for everything. Auntie is doing major repair and she can get the carpet cleaned but we don’t want that carpet at all I mean the smell off dog is just too strong in that carpet. And get this. She didn’t even know they’d had a pet. Auntie is very upset about all of this but I told her, " hey atleast their gone right? Let them be someone else’s headache."

Auntie is willing to work with us on getting her end cleaned up before we move in but Quincy didn’t get a good take on the house at all and really the decision is up to him. I’m tired of living where we live and it’s not like folks are opening up their doors to us to move in as you all know so I figure if the opportunity presents itself and we take it. Besides like I said I know what that house looks like cleaned up and fixed up and it’s a beautiful house and it’s VERY spacious. Especially compared to our 3 bedroom 3rd floor apartment in the hood. I’m tired of loud music and arguing and just being able to HEAR other people. WE need our OWN space we aere outgrowing our apartment and get this…….. just 5 nights ago we heard shooting outside. Now if that isn’t a sign to get up outta this place then I don’t know what is…….

Oh yeah btw thanksgiving turned out really nice.



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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oh wow that really sucks about the house, how can someone live in something that foul??? Wow im sorry your moving date got pushed back, i’d be soo upset too. i hope that it’s not too much to get it fixed up and liveable again, and yes i would replace that carpet too. you can’t get pet stains out, eeww.

Maybe the tenants were coming back to clean?? or did they say that they were officially out…that is so disgusting…I can’t imagine someone leaving an apt like that.

People amaze me. That’s too bad about the house. Hopefully, your aunt can get it cleaned and you can move in.

November 26, 2007

That’s terrible… I hope Q comes around and changes his mind…..

November 26, 2007

Ish, Don’t suppose there is any way she can go after these people! Disgusting. Poor Auntie. I’m sure she was horrified. ((HUGS))

November 26, 2007

breaking cement that is just crazy! owning property and renting it out can be a good investment… then i hear stories like this. glad to hear that your aunt is working with you and headway is being made 🙂

November 26, 2007

Girl, I am so sorry. 🙁 *hugs*

November 27, 2007

Sounds like the house will be okay after it is cleaned. So, I guess it wouldn’t be so bad. Take care.

November 27, 2007

Whoa! Smooches…

you will make it a lovely home I’m sure.

November 28, 2007