dilemas dilemas

Dilema dilema

TOday I have a dilema. hmmm. I felt within my spirit the call to consecrate. I need to let go and be delivered of a couple of strongholds in my life. One obviously being my addiction to food lol. The last time I successfully fasted was like back in July and before then was in August of last year. That is HORRIBLE! I am a person that normally LOVES to consecrate and empty myself of fleshly desires and focus on spiritual desires. But lately I have been horrified of fasting. Planning my days around food and different areas of life and scheduling and such. They can tend to become hinderances yanno. So last night after leaving prayer service I still had a few questions on my heart some about this house and why the owner hasn’t contacted us yet after being soooo enthusiastic about us moving in,  and also about my weight coming down and lately avoiding every mirror I pass because of my lack of confidence and the fact that I keep Gaining weight even though I’m exercising. I’m pretty much being stubborn about the food journaling because I just can’t see myself journaling every morsel that I eat for the rest of my life. SO I know that may be a reason that alot of weight isn’t coming off but come on GAINING wieght?!?! I could atleast see maintaining weight because the walking balances it out but GAINING. No way!

Well those were some questions on my heart and after I left church I tuned in to the christian radio station and Tony Evans was ministering about letting go of strongholds and being released from certain bondages and addictions and he posed the question: " when was the last time you fasted?" it is written all throughout the bible that fasting releases the yoke of bondage when done properly.  Then he gave scripture examples in Isaish 58:6  then he skipped over to Romans and talking about’s saying, ‘When I am weak, then am I strong’. your strongest spiritual moments are at the peak of your weakest carnal points. God’s Glory cannot dwell in Flesh! He is Holy and the only way that he can move is in holiness. THe bible says holiness without NO man can see God,  and that all sin is unrighteousness.  So when was the last time that you FASTED to be delivered or to receive divine instruction and then he went to Isaiah and hit home with this one, talking about the result of fasting:

Isaiah 58:8,11 Then will your light break forth like the dawning of the sun and you will quickly be healed, your honesty will protect you as you advance,  and the glory of the Lord wil defend you from behind. 11. The Lord will always guide you and provide good things to eat when you are in the desert. He will make you healthy. You will be like a garden that has plenty of water,  or like a stream that never runs dry. (CEV version)

So the light bulb went off. I need to fast. As terrifying as it seemed to think about I’m doing it. I went walking this morning and I didn’t eat breakfast or drink any coffee I almost fell asleep driving to work this morning.  But I’m cool.

Then I get a call from one of my sisters that her divorce is final and we’re supposed to be going out for non alcoholc drinks or do something else fun tonight at like bw3’s or something to celebrate. Well I really do want to go with her because she has been through HELL literally for the past 2 years trying to divorce her cheating ex husband because he refused to sign the paper work so herein is my dilema. But I think I may have a solution I think I will do complete until 3 o’clock and then resume with LIGHT foods and drink after 3 Pm. I originally intended to do an all day complete fast but I don’t think that would work because for Lexy’s birthday I need to take her out to eat and I am NOT going to watch everyone else eat on my dime lol.   

haven’t had any baby daddy drama today so that’s cool but other than that I’m here





~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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Good luck with your fast. I hope that your friend can be happy now that her divorce is final.

November 7, 2007

I think fasting till 3 is good. especially since you haven’t done it in a while.. just work your way up to a full fast.

im tryin to for the first time, or well tryin to prep for, noooot easy. lol

I love the Isaiah scripture you put up there thanks! Hang in there, the weight loss will happen. It takes 10x longer to take it off then it does put on for some reason. Look online at the PH miracle diet. You don’t have to be hungry and you can lose weight and feel better. Drink LOTS of Water with fresh squeezed lemon. *hugs* My scores are not supposed to be posted till around the 14th to 16t

but I just checked online AGAIN and they still arent there.

November 7, 2007

Isn’t it funny when we decide to do something like this, all the “food-centered” meetings start coming up. I’m serious about that. I’d take it up with the Big “G” and ask what would be His desire. Which I’m sure you are already doing. I only say this, b/c I know things will always come up like this. We could always ask how serious am I going to take the fasting? And does it half to be all food? It’s not a judgemental thing, so I hope you it isn’t taken that way. Perhaps start the fast next week, once all this has past and then stick with it no matter what. 🙂 RYN: Thank you. It’s good to be reminded of all that. I’m reading this “intellectual” book called “The Wounded Healer”…hmm… maybe more philisophical. But the 3 things it names in order to be a leader in our current world is me to a “T”. Just astounded me. I can’t lead or teach…or counsel where I haven’t been, yah know. ((HUGS))

November 7, 2007

RYN:lol! girl, you better handle it!

RYN: thank you for the link to the website, i will have to check it out soon as i get off work.

November 7, 2007

Praying for you during your fast. Yay for no drama. Woo!

November 8, 2007

RYN: The book it’s quotes is from “Waking the Dead” from John Eldredge. He’s written several awesome books. However what you’ve been reading that I post once in a while is an email devotional that I get daily. All it is snippits of his books he & his wife have written. Here’s the website: http://www.ransomedheart.com

ryn: I know! It’s so gross. I’m a germphobe so I wash my hands during the day even when I haven’t been to the bathroom. My office is dirty so I have to wash my hands. I hate during the service at church when they make you shake hands with everyone and say “peace be with you”. I hate shaking people’s hands.

November 8, 2007

hookah is a smoking device. you put flavored tobacco in a bowl and you suck on the hose, the water in the base bubbles, and you breathe in the smoke. it sounds weird, but its cool. good luck w/ working out all of your dilemas. more power to you, i couldn’t fast. ;-p

November 9, 2007

*HUGS* I think the fact that you realize what the delima is is a good thing, and I’m sure that as you continue to pray about this, you will be able to get it done the way you know it should be. Right before I found out about being pregnant I was talking to my friend about doing a fast. I would still love to, but I think I have to wait til after I have the baby.

November 9, 2007

“I just can’t see myself journaling every morsel that I eat for the rest of my life.” It’s good to do it for a start and as you master dieting, there’s no need for journaling any more. Speaking from experience. Be encouraged. RYN: In answer to your note over at my other diary (sweethome), my sis in law dies her hair golden and sometimes blonde LOL. We seem to like her in them. Smiles.

November 9, 2007

RYN: She fixed my layout. My sis charges $26.50 for everything when someone asks her to do something. It’s a running joke for her, I guess. I pay her in love and kindness.

November 9, 2007

RYN: yes. that is kindred…

November 11, 2007

Praying for you! God bless and carry you!

November 15, 2007

where are you hiding woman?

November 15, 2007

um, where are you????

November 18, 2007

Hope all is well. ((HUGS))