Yayyyy for NOJOMO!!!

This is basically my note in everyone’s entries today lol.

Although I couldn’t commit to it because I don’t think I’d write on the weekends I’m still excited about reading you guys. Yesssssssssss

I got up and walked this morning. I’ll be recording my monthly mileage soon for every one and depending on that outcome I’ll decide on some monthly weightloss goals. But the exercising bug is starting to arise again. It’s someting about Oct,  Nov,  Dec, Jan, and Feb and wanting to exercise all of a sudden what’s up with that? Then when the nice hot months come around you don’t wanna do anything lol,  but go out to eat. I mean it’s too hot to even cook lol.

Good news,  there was a house in a pretty nice neighborhood that Quincy and I visited over a month ago and we decided after thinking it over that we weren’t gonna try and get it. Yanno that get hyped up to get put down feeling. We didn’t wanna go there again. Well Turns out the owner has called us back asking if we still want the house because he’d really like to get us in there. He doesn’t want the house lying dormant with no tenants in it so he called us Dropped the rent by 50.00 and the deposit by 300.00. COOL! I like those odds lol. The house is absolutely GORGEOUS and EVERYTHING in it is NEw. New stove fridge,  windows, roof,  flooring, bathrooms, all that. It is kinda small but it fits us perfectly. We had an option lease to buy but I don’t know if I wanna do a lease to buy option just off of the fact that the house is kinda small. I don’t wanna be stuck with it yanno? I like having that choice and not losing out on money if we change our minds so he’s gonna go with renting and it’s at a price we can definitely afford. I’ll post pics of the house later.

It’s in a pretty good neighborhood too. Actually the neighborhood that it’s in is where biodad lives for those of my faves that know what I’m talking about …. Maybe God is setting things  up i dunno. But I do remember Monday saying that I just need a change of some sorts. Didn’t know exactly what but I just felt a change was needed. This may be that change.  Lexy’s not happy about us moving on her birthday month and having to leave her friends (she’s in 5th grade which is like being a senior in elementary school it’s her last year before middle school), but she is excited about moving into a house. I may allow her to continue to go to  the current school she’s in as I have tons of family where I currently live and it’s only about 15 minutes away from the new house.  I’m still debating on that one. Little Quincy is excited about the move because alot of his pee wee football buddies and a couple of his church buddies live in this neighborhood and he will get to see them in school. He is VERY VERY selective about friends and although he is very popular and known because he is a pee wee football quarterbakc and all that jazz he doesn’t tolerate alot out of people. Like He hates it when people use profanity, I mean he really hates it and will speak on it too with NO fear lol. He doesn’ t like when people smoke or drink around him and speaks up on that too. He hates when certain kids do stupid things to get in trouble and he REFUSES to be guilty by association lol. If he notices a person stays in trouble he won’t even speak to them. Big Quincy actually instilled alot of that in both of them but Little Quincy has always been like that. He is a little jock at heart. And he is smart as a whip. It amazes me sometimes.

Well I’ll be back to post fitness goals later but thanks for your eyes,. 


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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Good luck with the house. I’m excited to see what your mileagel will be by the end of the month. YOu are doing so good with your commitment to walking.

November 1, 2007

thanks for the comment..and the mom advice. lol. the house sounds great. you should get pictures! continue w/ the walking, i’m trying to stay motivated w/ working out but that doesn’t always work. 😀

November 1, 2007

I hope the house thing works out! :o)

November 1, 2007

RYN: I think she is slightly reverting because she is super duper clingy to me. I can’t even go to the bathroom without her asking for me about 20 times.

November 1, 2007

Wow, quincy is quite solid in who he is! That’s awesome!

glad you’ll have something new. I’ve been living in a different place for a year and a half and my son still says he wants to go to the other high school. glad your still walking too, thats what I need

November 1, 2007

ryn: lol bsb (backstreet boys) is a pop singing group that me and ebby love hehe.

November 1, 2007

praying about the house!

November 2, 2007

Good luck with the house. Congrats on getting the exercise bug back… you’ll drop the weight in no time once you change your eating habits too. Blessings.

November 4, 2007

Praying everything is working out with the house for you. Have a wonderful Sunday and a blessed week ahead. God be with you!

ryn: I go to church haphazardly. I did get a statement of what I’ve given to church in offering and I’ve been more times than I thought. Hopefully, even if they are not giving Luke time served, they will give him time off his sentence for good behavior. I guess we’ll see. As of Friday, he was still at the county jail waiting to be sent to whatever federal prison they decide to send himtoo.

I’m very sure I didn’t kick major booty but God will

November 5, 2007

RYN: This is the first I’ve EVER cooked breakfast before work 😉 I don’t know I’ll do it anytime soon after this one either 😉 he he he.