3 green stars for walking a pillow 4 upset tummy

Walked with my aunt again today. I’m almost on a roll

I can’t sleep at night now for some strange reason. I think my body is just rebelling against exercise or something but I’m still gonna keep on pushing myself… although taking baby steps. Last night I didn’t sleep at all,  just kept tossing and turning. I know this also has to do with the fact that TMI* my panties have gotten too small which makes for very uncomfortable sleep. You would think I would just sleep without them right ? lol I dunno I just can’t do that I have to have my backside covered lol. My daughter woke me up @ 3:00AM by just standing over me in the dark and waiting for me to wake up to tell me she’d had a bad dream. I guess she was trying to return the favor? lol Yeah so that scared me to death and I went in her room and prayed over her then laid down with her as she went back to sleep then went back to my own room. I slept off and on for about 2 hours got up to get dressed to walk @ 5AM and whaddayaknow NOW my body wants to sleep UGH! 5:30 I hit the road with my aunt come back in the house @ 6:45am then start dozing instead of getting dressed for work. After a while I am getting ready for work and my stomach starts to hurt. I tell my boss and coworker I’ll be in late cause my stomach hurts. Lay down and wake up and it’s 11:00AM!!! where did the time go?!?!? I need to have my bloodwork done to check my Thyroid levels cause it’s like my body is having the reverse reaction to fitness than it is supposed to. I don’t have money to keep going to the doctor and paying copays and junk so I really don’t know what I’m gonna do as far as that’s concerned. But anyway I am now at work and swamped. Getting ready to do something constructive here in a minute as long as my stomach doesn’t start hurting again.

Well the concert has to be pushed back due to some concerns on my Pastors behalf so we go for a photoshoot this saturday and we’ll be going to the studio for the next two months to get the demo cut and tracks laid. Right now we’re in the process of getting our business plan finalized for the group,  our group name registered, and our business cards Reprinted with our updated information on it. man this Cd stuff is more work than you’d think LOL. ALL business not just singing and looking cute. We have to re-establish the business banking account because of some stupid bootleg stuff ugh. Anyways. Onward and upward ( i must really do some work today) lol…… 



















~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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October 17, 2007

((hugs)) Hmm. Not sure what to say, except maybe your body is trying to revert and you aren’t letting it….so it’ll take time to get used to the new routine and work out. ((Hugs))

I hope you start feeling better. Maybe one more co-pay wouldn’t hurt? ryn: Prayer shawl ministry sounds very cool. I have never heard of that before!

October 17, 2007

feel better soon…..

Hope your feeling better soon. I need my underwear on too!