2 red stars whoopee!!

I’m taking things one step at a time. I went walking again today yayy me! And my aunt joined up with me. Good times good times.

We talked about alot. She hasn’t had a drink since last saturday Praise the LORD!!!!! She normally can down atleast 1 six pack a day and whenever she would try to quit she’d go MAYBE one day lol. This is phenomenal! I mean like real deal breakthrough for her. Her boyfriend is not saved and atheist by choice (he really isn’t atheist but he claims it so ‘religious’  folk will leave him alone lol) and I asked her how did he take it. She said he was really proud of her and happy for her but told her don’t be expecting him to come to church and stuff lol. She knows and said she is not doing this for him but for her. We laughed about it and we joked but I told her he’s coming in by faith and we’ll leave it at that. SHe’s excited about coming to  church tonight for prayer. Shoot she has me all excited now lol. She said she needs something to do with herself in the evenings to avoid drinking. Tryna keep herself busy yanno? Like I told her and everyone that I come into contact with…. it’s all a process. Your not going to come out perfect overnight you are a work in progress and as long as you pour your heart out to God you will be alright. He’ll never leave you nor forsake you.

Shoot I was delivered from smoking Marijuana and cigarettes instantly when I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit after struggling for weeks after I received salvation. There was a mother in the church and they called her a demon warrior. She walks in the authority to cast out demons (not a light calling at all) and when I tarried for the Holy Ghost I remember her grabbing my hand and whispering in my ear, " come out of her now in the name of Jesus" and it felt like 2 ton of bricks just lifted up offa me. I fell out and bathed in God’s presence and from that day forth never even had a taste for cigarettes. No 12 step programs,  patches, nicorette or anything. Now that was my deliverance but my Husbands deliverance was different. He was an alcoholic too, and when he stopped drinking he had to sit his buddies down and have a talk with them and let them know that he was turning his life around and wouldn’t be drinking with them anymore. They took it really hard LOL. I told him those were his wives because they were acting like he was breaking up with them they were in so much shock LMBO! Then when he went through it he had to sike is mind out about not drinking anymore. Like he’d buy tall cans of arizona tea and watermelon drink and put it in a brown paper bag to make him feel like he had a drink even though he didn’t and the more he stayed away from those buddies and prayed and came into contact with the saints as well as drinking the juice and tea from tall cans one day he looked up and it had been 4 months and he hadn’t had a drink praise GOD! He’s been alcohol free ever since then. I explained this to my aunt and she wants to try the tall can tea thing. She thinks it may help her. I’m just praying that she stays strengthened.

I found out that my uncle – the one that has been coming to church- had an altercation last Saturday night with someone and beat some man up. It’s amazing too because Saturday night I had a bad dream about him and was warring in my dream then  I woke up and began to intercede for him @ the exact same time (i later found out) that he was out fighting. Like 4 o’clock in the morning. And he still managed to come to church! Isn’t God awesome and isn’t it reassuring to know that we have a 2nd chance, and a 3rd chance, and a 4th chance and a million others to get our lives right with Jesus even when we mess up? Not to say that we should intentionally sin but I think it’s an overwhelming reassurance that God doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve and that his mercies are renewed every day!!!! Fresh start in your heart if you give it over to Jesus!

I thank God for taking me out of my own way. Sometimes you know we can be our own biggest obstacles when God is trying to show us something or have us move in a certain way. All this week God has been speaking clearly to me.

I dared not to say this out of my mouth but I feel in my spirit that God is going to make a way for me to work from my home permanently. This unction has been in me for the past month. I had to come home yesterday because I was ill and as soon as I stepped foot into my house I felt better. I started cleaning up, I began to pray, I began to hear God CLEARLY. I’ve thought about this before. Becoming a stay at home mom yanno? But my salary is just too much to really walk away from. Then I think about Quincy and working all these hours and really even though I make Good money he is bringing in enough to supplement all of the bills. Though I’d not like him working where he’s physically tired all the time. But I know that God is about to open the door for him to get a better job. Why as soon as I got to check my email today I got an offer from a company to work from home part time as a money transfer manager. How freaky is that. It’s like once God says something to me he is confirming it immediately. The same has been applying for more personal spiritual things going on in my life. I’m just in awe!

First off let me just say that I am NOT a housewife type and I have never been the homebody type (well lately I have been but I think that’s just age lol) but I have really been very comfortable being at home and being able to greet my babies when they walk through the door is simply……….priceless. I’ve always been career driven so I don’t know where all of this is coming from but I will continue to listen to God in all of this and make sure it is not me getting impulse feelings. If that is the case I’ll be sure to let you know.




~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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I like that his mercies are fresh every day. Thanks its a good reminder of how he loves us. Nice that you had a walking buddy. *Cheers*

October 16, 2007

🙂 Good news. lots of good news. I’ve got the work at home bug to. Trying to find a creative way of doing that.

October 16, 2007

whoa! that was a full entry! LOL! good to hear from you!

Good luck to your aunt.

October 16, 2007

RYN: Thank you thank you thank you for your prayers. I’ll take all I can get! (((HUGS))) And your last one was A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Thank you Woman of God 🙂 *Mel looks for her blankie from that spurt of energy and goes back to bed.*

October 16, 2007
October 16, 2007