okay a real entry I think

Last night I got home and did my usual run around. And I bought some blank cd’s to make some compilation cd’s. One for the church during prayer, another to jam to in the car and I thought about a couple of new members that Joined the church this Sunday and gave their lives to christ so I made copies for the new members. I stayed up till 1 AM making Cd’s and singing and praising God. Then I poured out to God and went to bed.

At 4 in the morning I hear DH fussing about something I have no idea what. By 7Am I’ve slept so hard I have no idea what day it is. Like it took me almost a half an hour to think about what day it was. I thought it was saturday then nothing seemed right so it couldn’t be saturday. I guess God was giving me some extra rest although I stayed up late lol. My attitude this morning has been EXCELLENT! I listened to my comp. Cd coming to work jamming in the car.

Did an alm for someone THis past weekend and God is rewarding me and I’m happy about that.

Then I came in here read a couple of you guys and went to a website I normally visit and got a chance to minister. I am on cloud 9 right now.

Oh OH and guess what?!?!? I came to church Sunday and this man tapped me on the shoulder. I turn around and it’s my uncle that I haven’t seen in 3 YEARS!!!! I was overjoyed. As long as I have been on this earth I have NEVER seen this man in church. Except for the day my grandma died and that was cause he HAD to come. He has been in and out of prison all his life, been really messed up on drugs,  he is like the one that everyone EXPECTED to be messed up and stay in trouble. I had a dream 3 years ago that we walked into our church and he was on the front row with a striped sweater on and walked up to my aunt and said ‘praise the lord’ to her and she fainted from sheer shock lol. I told her about this dream and she said when that day comes to pass she prolly will faint LOL. Little did she know he came in. That dream was soooo left field for me too that’s why I know it was God. But not only did he come to church he went to the altar. My whole week has been made off of that. And my cousin came in and joined the church. She and I were tighter than glue as teens so it’s so good to see God work. Her and her husband joined the church. We gave each other a long embrace and cried for a while then I told her I loved her and that she was now able to go back with her Husband lol.

Work has been work…. meh whatever no need wasting energy there lol

So tonight we have a prayer service and I’m excited at watching God move even more in his people.

God has given me so much revelation lately.

Latest and greatest revelation is that we as humans sometimes pray and it’s like we expect God to get up off of his throne and come down to the earth and save us all and work miracles…… But he has already done that…. When he sent Jesus Christ. Everything that we need in this earth and from God is within us. As Long as the Holy Spirit lives on the inside of you you are able to do all things. That is the exact reason Jesus Christ left the Holy Spirit on the earth as a comforter until the day that he comes back. You can depend on the Holy Spirit to work within you and pray and intercede for you for things to come to pass and as long as the greater is he that lives within you… you can execute righteousness, and signs and wonders and miracles,  and God’s Glory in the Earth. God wants the Body of Christ to quit moaning and crying about things that they THINK they cannot change and begin to exercise the power and the authority of the Holy Ghost within them to bring a change in the earth. The Kingdom is come,  it is in the earth because the Kingdom of God is WITHIN you if you have his Holy Spirit.  The bible says that the kingdom is not meat, and drink,  but it is joy, peace and righteousness in the Holy Ghost Romans 14:17.  So in short the KINGDOM IS WITHIN YOU




~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about the Word of God and relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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Praise God, your uncle is a changed man and your cousin came back too!

That’s a real blessing that both your uncle and your cousin came into the church.

September 25, 2007

You sound so “annointed” today. Yay you! I’m gonna have to make a trip down there so you can share some of that with me ;o)

September 26, 2007

It is always a joy to see the long lost appearing in church!