I did it!

I want to thank you all for your supportive notes on my revelation that I received yesterday!

It helped me soooo much and I’m also thankful to God because he had 2 of my sisters(In the Lord) call me right after I wrote that entry to tell me they had me in their spirits really heavy and words of encouragement.

This is the email that I received minutes after I posted the last entry:


Hey Nikki!!

How are you??
You’re so heavy in my thoughts right now.
I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I appreciate you as a friend. I appreciate you as a mighty woman in God.
Know that God isn’t concerned with our ability or inability, but our availability.
I thank God for your transparency.
I thank God for the song in your heart.
I thank God for the light you exude.
God loves you! He truly favors you!
He loves you!
He loves you!
He loves you!
Come what may, GOD loves you!!
And honey, that’s ALL that matters.
Do you hear me? That’s ALL that matters!!!!!!!!

Speak the Word over yourself!
Continue to encourage yourself!!
(I love that song 🙂 )

Love your sister,

(Now if that isn’t God working I don’t know what is!!)

It’s also amazing that for the past 2-3 months Every word that came through every speaker that preached,  or gave advice or even when I would read the bible would bring up the subject of Forgiveness and saying that not forgiving people would block your progress and relationship with God. There has been much more detail about this too. So I kept saying to myself what does this mean? How can I apply this to myself? Who am I not forgiving? Is this message specifically for me or is it a general message to the Body of Christ?


My pastor this past sunday preached about pulling sin up by the root to be completely delivered. Talking about the scripture,  How can a man take over the strong man’s house unless he bind up the strong man? How can you be delivered of something and be totally free then months later your dealing with that same issue? You have to pull it up by the root! Don’t become like those that have been delivered of demons and spiritual evil with an clean empty house (body/temple/conscious) but after a while that thing gets 7 more friends and comes back to occupy the house (body/temple/conscious) of the Same individual because there was no substance there to occupy the house once that spirit was delivered out of him. Once that thing is delivered from you you will be completely delivered,  not partially delivered with some attachments, not somewhat delivered and getting there, but COMPLETELY delivered. and the reason why is because that demonic spirit/attachment was pulled up by the root!

My pastor has been preaching these messages for the past month on sundays and I thought that they were excellent messages though I didn’t think they applied to me in particular until yesterday. God is revealing the thing to me that is causing me to feel stagnant and pulling it up by the root THANK YOU JESUS!

I wanted to let Reina, kia, and Truth know that their words helped me and you know what?!?! I called my copastor today! We’ve set up a meeting Sunday during Sunday school to talk and I’m really looking forward to this.

Tonight we are having a revival and I’m so excited. I know that this will be the icing on the cake for all that God has shown me in a 24 hour period lol. Tuesday nights prayer service was off the chain from what I heard from my sisters and I’m sorry I missed it but I had come off of a 20 hour shift and I couldn’t make it. But from what I’ve heard the revival started Tuesday night lol, we don’t need a formal service and NIGHT to decide when God is gonna move! He’s already working it out! I’m so excited yall about more of Jesus! More of this new thing he is showing me called forgiveness,  and getting to know Doneta Nicole Dawson the way that God sees her.


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



er service was off the chain from what I heard from my sisters and I’m sorry I missed it but I had come off of a 20 hour shift and I couldn’t make it. But from what I’ve heard the revival started Tuesday night lol, we don’t need a formal service and NIGHT to decide when God is gonna move! He’s already working it out! I’m so excited yall about more of Jesus! More of this new thing he is showing me called forgiveness,  and getting to know Doneta Nicole Dawson the way that God sees her.


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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September 14, 2007


wow that is very wise, not concerned with ability or inablility but availability. so true. Glad things are coming together!

RYN: lol it’s my fiance’s ex, not my ex’s fiance. I have no clue what my ex is doing, haha. (im messing with ya girlie) but anyway yeah, and I wanna ask you to keep her sisters stephanie and tiffany stokes. Both are dealing with major issues, mostly I think due to lack of a real mother, or for that matter father figure in their lives. Tiff tried to OD on some pills, and had to be rushed tothe hosp to be helped. She has 2 children I think, one is like 3 or 4 years old, cute lil girl. And Steph is dealin with tryin to find love in all the wrong places, and hookin up with the wrong guys, resulting in 4 children and is now preggy again. I don’t mean to put their busi out, im gonna make this note private, but I’m just askin you to send a prayer out for those two ladies. You have a blessed weekend. Hugs, Kia

September 14, 2007

Woot! *o/* Love watching God work!

RYN: I’m glad I’m close with my mother, she’s the only parent I’ve grown up with. Never really met my dad, though his family “tries” to contact me, or at least thats what they say, but I dunno. I figure if God wants me to meet my dad, I will. He’s in bad shape, drunk himself silly, used to play guitar, can’t no more. I guess I should pray more for him, i dunno. Anyway im not gonna write a story here, but I am glad you had a father figure around, someone to help “guide” you ya know.

September 14, 2007

Woohoo! Girl, I can’t wait until you get even more of your freedom papers :~)

September 14, 2007

Thats beautiful. I love your attitude and your openess. You are amazing, sister… really are. I look up to you and a lot of us do. Im thinking about ya and I know things will all work out.

September 14, 2007

An inspiring entry and a touching poem, too. Jesus be with you.