
Today i feel really wacky.

Since about 7 pm Yesterday I have been extremely tired and feeling wacky. I got home from wok had the kids change clothes for football and cheerleading practice got all of our underclothes together to wash and shortly thereafter we grabbed our stuff and headed to the car. I dropped them offf at their practices and stopped by my aunts house to help her create a resume and brought her an application from my job. Realized that I left the detergent in Quincy’s car and he was still at work so I didn’t wash until later on.

But while I was there I was soooo tired. Like huffing and puffing tired and my back hurt. After creating her resume I realize it’s almost time to go pick the kids up so my aunt offers to let me bring the load of clothes in and throw them in the washer for me until I get back to retrieve my things.  I pick the kids up and come back to my aunts and the load is still going. I pack up my laptop and the kids and take them home make them take showers and fix Lexy’s hair. Then fix them a small snack. THey go to bed I jump back in the car go back up my aunts house pick up the laundry and then come back home. I go to bed and this morning when I wake up I lounge around for like an hour doing nothing.( I usually try to get up at 6:30AM)  But I just kept dozing. I then wake the kids up an hour later and have them get dressed but I’m still dragging terribly. I don’t get dressed until like 7:50AM. I have to be at work at 8AM and it takes me 20-25 minutes driving to get to work. It took me so long to get ready And I’m operating off of only one contact so I’m half blind literally LOL.

I was supposed to refill my contact prescription but it was in my wallet that was stolen so I couldn’t get the prescription filled and my money had saved for it is gone so I guess I’ll be squinting and such until tomorrow when Quincy gets paid lol. But the funny thing about my contacts is that without them everything is really blurry which makes it REALLY easy for me to go to sleep. So the whole ride up to work I’m rolling thw windows down and pulling my eyes apart trying to stay awake lol. I get to work… still dragging and close my eyes for a second. Go to the restroom and accidentally fall asleep in the stall LOL (I know TMI). I  wake up and get a cup of coffee and I’m a little bit better but I hate feeling like this.

welp, I thought i’d talk about that because I don’t have anything else to talk about right now.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’


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August 30, 2007

Hi, my name is Lavena and I just moved to America from Ireland. This is going to sound stupid but I’m trying to make friends through this diary so if you want to, check me out. 🙂

You are always busy so it’s no wonder that you are extremely tired. I’ve done the little nap in the stall before when I’ve been sick. I hope you perk up and get some real rest. **hugs**

August 30, 2007

sounds like this long weekend is just what you need…. (((hugs))

are you getting enough rest? are you eating right? are you anemic?

My Lord woman, get those contacts before you have an accident. Are you pregnant?

well thank God for 3 day weekends huh, this whole week’s been wacky for me lol

August 31, 2007

When you are busy then you get tired. With time it gets to you. I know I have been tired but I am juggling alot right now. Hope all is well, I havent been on OD in a while.

August 31, 2007

Hope you are able to get some well deserved rest this weekend. God bless you!