First day of school

Today is the first day of school for Lexy and Little Quincy so I came in late today. I told my boss in advance And I took my merry time getting here too lol. Lexy has micro’s this year and she loves it. Me I’m thinking I may have created a monster. Oh Lawd! My baby is getting compliments left and right and she looks almost 2 years older than she is. Help me Lawd. At our family reunion my brother (really uncle but we’re really close in age) brought his daughter out named Faith. She is my heart. Her and Lexy are 4 months apart. Her birthday is July 1,  Lexy’s b-day is November 11. They look atleast 3 years apart because Faith is tall and my baby is short compared to all her friends lol. Because her mom and my brother are divorced we don’t see her as much but I love having her around. She is SUUUPPPERRRR quiet and for some odd reason I get nervous around people like that because I’ve come across some REALLY sneaky quiet people lol.

Anyways at the family reunion they got compliments left and right. Here they are.

(well found out that the USB cord for my camera isn’t with me today and the ones I have here don’t fit my camera so I’ll post those pics later.)


So this morning they were all ready for school I curled the braids and put her hair half up half down to allow her to look like a little girl  and not a grown woman lol. Little Quincy is growing so much he’s already up to my chest and he’s only 7. Every little boy or person in general that passes him thinks that he’s 9 years old.  He’s really smart and mature for his age so I don’t mind the compliments, but if he ever has a little girlfriend I do believe she and I will have some problems. I told him for the time being I am his only girlfriend lol. He’s at the  ‘Girls are stupid’ stage right now anyway so I’m not worried lol.


Oh OH GUESS WHAT! Someone mysteriously put my wallet in my pastor’s mailbox at the church. I know who took my wallet now. It was these little girls that come to visit the church all the time. I took them home Thursday night and I tried giving them the benefit of the doubt Friday when I noticed my wallet missing but I know it was them because (1) Friday night atleast 4 people with me searched every inch of the church as well as the grounds, the parking lot,  my car, and all offices (even though I wasn’t even in the offices). (2) these little girls KNEW I wouldn;’t be in church Sunday because of my family reunion and they live in the neighborhood my church is in (3) My pastor checks his mailbox and it was not in there all weekend ONLY (5) Monday is when it was found and nobody was near the church except these little girls.


I am elated that my wallet was found I will pick it up tonight. Luckily there was no cash in my wallet (I Was broke lol),  and I cancelled all my credit cards. My pastor said my license was still in my wallet when he received it and it looked like everything was okay. I don’;t even have time to be upset with some wayward little girls that stole my wallet because I still have to show love and minister to them but I most definitely will be having a talk with them about it,. They always come to church alone, I have never even met their parents. They have always just walked to the church when the doors were open and one of the little girls lies like it’s no ones business so I know that all of this is just a symptom of something deeper yanno. I’m trying to look at the bright side in all of this,  but I’m not mad at all, more so relieved that I don’t have to go out and get another license,  social security cards renewed,  order more credit cards,  and health insurance cards.

I’ll post pics of the kids when I get home.




~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’


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August 28, 2007

I’m glad you got your wallet back and got to see your niece!

August 28, 2007

Its nice they put the wallet in a safe place and evidently must have felt guilty. Yeah you should have a loving talk with them and let them know you are proud of them for returning it. I will post the answer to your question in my entry.

im glad u got ur wallet back, i would have freaked out.

August 29, 2007

Glad you got your wallet back, and can’t wait to see pics ;o)

August 29, 2007

Praise the Lord Lord you wallet was returned!! It must had been very inconvenient to have to go and cancel your credit cards.

well they got a plus, in that they at least want to go to church…

August 29, 2007

Ohhhhh, those little girls need a whoopin fo’ sho’!