Victory report

Okay here is a stab at optimism so bear with me yall. It’s part of the transistion lol

I have a victory report that Gives God ALL of the Glory! My little Brother is alive! Yesterday while I took my son to football practice I call my sister to shoot the breeze and I get a second call on the other end. I click over and it’s my aunt asking me what happened to my little brother. I’m confused because here I am on the other line with my sister and she hasn’t mentioned a thing about something being wrong with my brother. I tell my aunt so and I click back over but as soon as I click over my sister disconnects. So now I’m wondernig what in the world is going on. I try calling my sis back and the phone just rings. I got through this process for over an hour. Now I’m getting a little nervous. I call DH and tell him about the convo and how lost I am. So i call my Daddy to tell him about Lil Q’s scrimage game that he has today and he tells me, " you know what happened to your brother don’t you?" NO NO and NO tell me something please!!!!!! He is too mad to talk about it but long story short my baby brother is in the hospital. So after calling my sister for another 20 minutes she finally picks up and I go off on her for hanging up in the first and AND not telling me what’s going on….. then I calm down and she tells me what happened.

My little brother got hit in the head last night and he fainted and when he hit the ground his head hit the concrete he had a concusion and had to be rushed to the hospital. WHY i ask? WEll basically (these are my half brother and sister) their mom used to be a crack addict. She hooked up with another crack addict when they were about 6 and 3.5 and this idiot has taken her through hell. He has beaten her gone in and out of prison forever and been beat up by my daddy for the kids sake many times. Well she has been rehabbed and crack free for over 12 years… he on the other hand has not. On a crack binge he went to this little girls house and stole her shoes and some speakers out of her car. SPEAKERS people. NOT a deck radio, NOT LCD TV screens in her seats…. SPEAKERS> 6×9 inch speakers at that. Then he brought the stuff to their house. Somehow word gets back to the girl where the stuff is and they blame my little brother for doing it (personally I think Crackhead boyfriend was responsible for that). So the girl goes and gets an older Guy who then pays a younger guy to set my little brother up. They come to the house @ 3 in the morning to ask him about it. The older guy asks if he can speak to my little brother on the side of the house and he says yeah. As they are talking some little boy comes out of nowhere and hits him in the head causes him to faint and he was laid out in the street as they ran off. Because it was so late nobody saw him until like a half hour later. they picked him up brought him in the house and called the police and an ambulance came.

The whole time crackhead boyfriend was there and he told the police he doesn’t know anything about anything and the mom went to the hospital. My dad was mad about it but I was just happy he is alive. The doctor says he has a bruise on his brain on one side and blood is draining from the other side of his brain and they want to keep him in the hospital to observe changes.

I picked my daddy up and we went to the hospital to see him because NOBODY was there cause his mom went back to work (SMH WTHeck?!?!?),  sister doesn’t have a car and she has 2 kids and she can’t cart them around. My daddy is mad and wants to do something but I’m trying my best to encourage him but it was crazy. WE get to Children’s hospital… He’s only 16 BTW…… and he is there with one of his boys   more like a big brother really. Dude is my age and he really looks out for my brother. Dude and my daddy are sooooo mad you can just feel the tension in the room. My brother was fine thank God! He had been walking around the hallway when we got there and he laid back down. HE complained of his neck and head hurting really bad. He said when the air conditioning would blow on  him if it brushed his ear he would get a shooting pain up his neck and in his head. The nurses were wonderful service was really great. He had a male nurse. Man you don’t see too many male nurses anymore but that nurse was so nice and my lil brother didn’t have to worry about anything.

Then something struck me while we were in the room….. this lady came in the room asking my brother if he wanted any games or movies to watch or anything and he wanted movies. And my heart sank…… i mean really sank……. he is just a baby… that was all I could think. He is just a baby. although his life has been hard he is trying to overcome statistics. He is going to greater oaks vocational schools this year for his 11th and 12th grade credits to graduate to become a mechanic. He can’t start school this week because of that mess!

BUt in all to GOD be the Glory!!!! he is still here. This could’ve been a post talking about him dying but God saw fit to keep him here for a reason. Before we left that hospital bed I prayed for everyman in that room that vengence is mine saith the Lord and that they would be at peace and I got home and interceded and cried out that God would place HOPE in their lives. I speak LIFE in this situation with my father and big brother cause they was planning on doing something….. I don’t know what but I cancel that assignment in the name of Jesus.

I just pray that when little brother comes home that he relaxes and prepares for school and that he knows that what goes around comes around. Let God handle the rest.


ummm I hope that was optimistic right?





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~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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August 22, 2007

Praise God he is still alive. Can he live with your dad or something?

August 22, 2007

I’m so glad he’s alive!! I will pray for a quick recovery!

Wow, so glad his is ok. Life just sucks sometimes, too many worries, surprises. Glad he will be ok. could have been much worse for sure.

August 22, 2007

im praying

How scary! Your brother will be in my prayers!