Sneaking and peeking lol

Hello you lovely ODer’s I missed you gals so much!!!!!!

So I’m doing a little of breaking my routine today because…….well because i just couldn’t stay away LOL!

I have had so much going on that it’s gonna take a minute to get it all out…… or maybe not. So sit back and relax.

Focus of the consecration was to cleanse… consecrate…. receiving the fruits of obedience and such. I also believe that God is developing my character which is a really weird and eye opening transition. Some days I totally suck at character and intergrity yanno?!?!? I never knew that! I mean like really there are some days when my honesty goes completely out the window with myself and I’m getting better with that. Not that I’m a liar or anything but just blind to my own ways yanno? It actually took me being away from watching or reading or surfing to sites that would distract me long enough to make me forget the path that I am supposed to be on to see that. Don’t get me wrong I wasn’t like watching pornography,  or violence anything sick it was moreso stuff like Movies with tons of profanity,  going to gossip website (my guilty pleasure),  taking in different types of music and it’s lyrical content and such…..just things to make me unproductive.

Once I was away from that I could really focus and hear God. There is a book a sister of mines in our intercessory prayer group recommended called The threshing Floor how to know without a doubt that God hears every your prayer by Juanita Bynum. She was soooo into this book and she really wanted us to read it. I mean like she was really excited and everything. Well I got the book and it was cool but it was just TOO deep for me yanno? Like I would get completely tired reading ONE chapter of this book. And that’s saying ALOT to me because I can read like it’s nobody’s business, you give me a good book and I can probably read it in one day. So I got fed up with the book and just said yanno maybe this just isn’t for me I don’t think I’ve hit the level to begin to digest this book. But it’s amazing because everytime I go into a deep consecration I will be in Prayer and God will direct me to certain chapters in this book and it will confirm the very thing that I had just heard the Lord declare to me in prayer. It would give a clearer insight to the revelation. I’m thinking WOW this is deep right? Well anyway before I went on this consecration I for about a month I kept hearing and reading about cleansing and preparation in the levitical priesthood in the bible then one sunday an elder was preaching.. called me down for prayer and Gave me a word from the Lord that God wants me to be Cleansed,  because he wants to impart his power to me but he cannot because I am not yet cleansed. I need to be cleansed. I received that word because being honest with myself I knew my focus was all off and plus when I would read in my own quiet time I kept coming into scriptures about cleansing.  So that began the journey. Once I began being obedient in my LIFESTYLE I started seeing my prayers being effective,  and my singing anointed by God to break yokes literally.

This past week God has shown me certain foods that I eat how they affect my body and how to wean them out. There are certain foods when I eat them they make me tired, certain foods once digested make me sleepy,  certain foods once digested give me energy and I can feel the difference, so I’ve started eating meat again and surprise surprise the weight is coming off again. Hmmmm Go figure right? I thought that was crazy lol. And I have begun walking in the mornings again Yayyy me lol.

Now as far as this character and integrity thang…. OH MY GOSH a sistah is messed up yall know that? I’ve discovered that I am definitely a pessimist, my tongue has to completely change man….. I mean like on the net I am such a motivator and I always speak life in all comments and advice that I give especially to people I don’t know but to myself and those that know me I can make a positive conversation turn sarcastic at the drop of a hat. I know where this comes from…… it’s actually a generational curse that my family and my husbands family has but that curse is being and will forever be broken starting with me. It’s funny though I talked to one of my closest friends recently and told her this and she was shocked. She said she thought I was really bubbly and that I always have motivating words so I guess for certain circumstances and people I was really good at masking it but I know this is a root issue yanno?

Also with finances,  God is really showing me how to become a steward even in the midst of financial crisises. I know alot of you may be on top of your finances and never had problems but I was NEVER taught to manage finances so I can honestly say for me to be doing on my own with no one teaching me I held on the best I could but umm yeah that is coming up too. I went down in prayer one day and made the decision and have been declaring it to every soul that I speak to that I will NEVER be broke again. I have been saving and though this may be pitiful to some last week I managed to SAVE some untouchable money. I left 100.00 in the bank untouched and this week when I get paid I will leave another 100.00 in the bank untouchable no matter what the circumstance. My God is going to supply my every need. I make a decent income so there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for my finances looking the way that they USED to look. Key word in that last statement is USED to look. As in I will NEVER be broke again lol. I already have a plan:

I will save 100.00 out of every check and when it hits 500.00 (predicted date 10/05/07) I will purchase a CD Money Market Account. (BTW this is sooooo not hard to do…. I can spend 100.00 on a dress and some shoes easily why not just save it?)

Continue to save and by this time next year I will have over 1000.00 in the bank untouched. I plan to someday very soon have 10,000.00 untouched in the bank

I also will open up roth IRA’s for my babies once the first 2 points are acheived to grow so that by the time they are ready for college the money is already there.


So once again as I tell myself every day and I can see it in Faith as I believe God to make it so…………..

I will NEVER be broke again!


Well thanks for your eyes lovelies! I may sneak back in every once and a while to check on you guys mmmkay oh and believe me I have went back and read you all LOL i may not have commented but i HAVe read you all….. which means that today I’ve been pretty non-productive LOL! Okay love ya!






weight loss weblog


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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August 21, 2007


August 21, 2007


August 21, 2007
August 22, 2007

Good to hear from you, girl!

glad to hear from you