space and nothingness

I don’t why that came to me for a topic but such is life.

I don’t really have any updates as of yet nothing exciting going on right now to give details would make my life just seem really boring LOL.

I think I need to go into consecration but I’m waiting on the word from Daddy Abba. I know that I need cleansing spiritually and DEFINITELY physically lol. But I can’t force myself to fast I’ve been there before and all I do is crash horribly. I can only fast when unctioned by the Holy Spirit and then and only then I can get in a good 21 days but last year my 40 day was just so mind boggling and it was such an experience I look forward to another one. I’m waiting on the unction though. I feel it coming the closer I get to God in my prayers but I have to LIVE on his queue and not my own.

Plus I need to get rid of this new addiction to diet pepsi max invigorating cola!  Oh My Gosh this stuff is liquid crack or something! IT’s 0 calories 0 sugar ( a bunch of caffeine I’m guessing lol). I mean I’m completely off of coffee and completely on diet pepsi max. I warn you all in advance if you drink it you WILL get hooked. It tastes just like regular diet pepsi but it gives you wings lol,  no seriously I get alot of energy out of it though. And I actually don’t crash like with most drinks that have tons of sugar in them,  maybe because it has no sugar? Yayy for me! Okay enough of me promoting my new liquid crack….. for now.

Ummm the last two weeks of summer day camp are upon us and a sistah is HAPPAY! Oh My gosh my kids love love love camp and I knew they would because I always wanted to go to day camp as a kid but my dad couldn’t afford it and besides my grandma raised me and she was a stay at home granny so I had no need for day camp. But Day camp was wonderful in the fact that I didn’t have to find a baby sitter because they have extended day programs so kids are in day camp from 7 am to 6 pm they go swimming atleast 3 days a week,  they go on field trips every friday, all food is included, snacks, breakfast, and lunch,  they do arts and crafts, trail walking, basically playing all day. And do you know the first day my daughter had the nerve to be BORED?!?! Talking about  "I Mean all we did was play all day mama I was looking forward to doing arts and crafts"  (she didn’t realize that it wasn’t the DAY for arts and crafts lol). I said, " well ya know what you can switch places with me and come work all day and be stressed out cause people want you to do this and that all day then figure out how to pay all the bills and I’ll just go play all day and we’ll see how you feel then." Uh yeah….. the tone quickly changed. Now she’s missing camp when she can’t go lol. But the reason I’m glad there are only 2 weeks left is because although summer day camp is the bomb mommy’s pockets are officially deflated lol. Good lawd! the pricing is reasonable but My Gosh kids are expensive. i pay $320.00 every two weeks for them which really compared to many places is nothing but to me it is something I don’t have money coming out the wahoo to be spending like that but this was a necessity to me because I needed a babysitter and I didn’t want my kids sitting up in somebody’s house watching tv all summer. I wanted them to stay active and have fun with their friends. Ya know kids don’t really come outside and play in the neighborhood like they used to. And my kids are VERY picky about who they want as friends so basically they don’t really play with the kids that are outside all day. (I personally am happy they are picky cause Baby! those kids are bad! lol)  So it was a good alternative I’m just glad it’s almost over. Besides I gotta pay for football and cheerleading now. Plus New Cleats My son has some gigantic boats that never stop growing,  poor thang inherited that curse from me withthe big feet,  Need to get new football pants with pads and new cheerleading gym shoes, and more workout gear for her. And this doesn’t even count school shopping.

Oh lawd I think my head is starting to hurt thinking about it lol. No but seriously I’m glad that I have them in things because as a child I was a part of alot of activities and organized sports and I loved it so much,  and my kids do too so I’m not upset at all about this. As long as they stay on Honor Roll and continue to read them bibles and show forth the fruits of the Lord in their actions I’m a happy mom.


Wow I guess I did have something to talk about.



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~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

 Proverbs 25:28

~I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God ~


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July 31, 2007

I wish they had a diet coke like that. I’m not a big fan of diet pepsi, but of course, diet coke is my crack lmao! I need some of that.

July 31, 2007

I just stick to my diet pills I dont like diet drinks, but I do like regular pepsi.=)

July 31, 2007

Liquid Crack…lol. I’m still giggling about that line. I didn’t care for it too much. But I am a big fan of the Diet Coke Plus. Because it doesn’t have that after taste the typical Diet Coke Does. And the vitamens are excellent 🙂

July 31, 2007

RYN: I will be pursuing my PhD in Higher Education, to continue my career working at a university. Your letter is R You can have either high or low TSH levels and be hypo thyroid. Higher TSH levels means my thyroid is not responding. Lower TSH levels means that the pituitary is not releasing enough hormones to make the thyroid respond.

You sound like my friend who have kids in hockey. They are always busy, busy, busy. Stay away from that Pepsi Max, girl. I bet it has more caffeine that your coffe you gave up. LOL, you know that anything you have to label as liquid crack is never good for you.