*Edit* Oops I’m sorry yall I forgot to put down that though some of the personality traits I hate to admit this report is pretty much dead on. Please see below.

You are a Benevolent Director.


about you
You are a Director


  • As a DIRECTOR, you combine an unusual openness and passion for beauty and style with confidence and a down-to-earth sensibility that allow you to realize your vision.

  • You are practical and pay attention to the details that others tend to miss.

  • By focusing on what is real and concrete, you achieve more than those who always have their heads in the clouds.

  • When it comes to what really matters in your life, you are confident in your ability to succeed.

  • Having beautiful things in your life gives you pleasure and satisfaction – you have a keen eye for style.

  • Even when problems present themselves, deep down you know you will overcome these challenges.

  • When routines get too familiar, you become bored and start looking for ways to spice things up.

  • You are open to new types of experiences – you are not afraid to take a risk on something new.

  • You have a highly developed sense of taste – you know what looks good on you, in your home, and in the world at large.

  • Your independent streak allows you to make decisions efficiently and to trust your instincts

  • You tend to do things on the spur of the moment, not sticking to a set schedule.

  • Generally, you believe that you control your life, and that external forces only play a limited role in determining what happens to you.

  • If you want to be different:


  • Occasionally let yourself dream a little more, even if it doesn’t seem practical or efficient.

  • how you relate to others
    You are Benevolent


  • You are a great person to interact with—underst

  • anding, giving, and trusting—in a word, BENEVOLENT

  • You don’t mind being in social situations, as you feel comfortable enough with people to be yourself.

  • Your caring nature goes beyond a basic concern: you take the time to understand the nuances of people’s situations before passing any sort of judgment.

  • You’re a good listener, and even better at offering advice.

  • You’re concerned with others at both an individual and societal level—you sympathize with the plights of troubled groups, and you can care about people you’ve never met.

  • Considering many different perspectives is something at which you excel, and you appreciate that quality in others.

  • Other people’s feelings are important to you, and you’re good at mediating disputes.

  • Because of your understanding and patience, you tend to bring out the best in people.

  • If you want to be different:


  • You spend a lot of time taking care of others, but don’t forget to take care of yourself!

  • Sometimes you can get overcommitted, and when you sacrifice spending time with those close to you, it can make them feel unimportant.



    In other news. My tiredness is not really being shaken unless I indulge in some coffee which I have been free of for quite a while (a month or so). My Dh wants me to get a second opinion since my doc. stated that nothing was wrong. Oh and get the kicker… I have another friggin lymph node that has risen on the side of my neck/chinline/under my ear (whatever it’s called),   and my ear has never stopped hurting although the dr. stated that there was no infection there. So I assume I’ll be fighting off another cold or something. My right ear has been in pain off and on and it never seems to go away and I lose my voice frequently and for a singer that is not cool AT ALL. I sing every sunday @ church and if I make it out every tuesday at prayer service. Not to mention I was invited to sing @ a sister from the church’s granny’s funeral on the 4th. Aarrgghhh I’m really getting sick of all this sickness but I must move on. I also want to know what is wrong with me and I’m tired of having my premonitions dismissed as just overreacting.  I have gained over 40 lbs in the last six months,  keep getting colds and ear infections,  staying tired. I don’t care what my current doc says something is wrong and I know it. So it’s time for a second opinion.

    Usualy I’m a nice and silly person and I hate that everytime I have something to write it’s depressing,  I mean like yeah my life is going through hell in some aspects right now but I hate dwelling on insignificant things (though this stuff really isn’t insignificant). I like to look at the Good in everything and lately I just haven’t had the ability to do that. What is wrong with me???? I have to keep on praying and stop avoiding all of my issues by ignoring them as if they will go away I guess…….I have to stick by my quote at the bottom of the screen. OKay rant over I’m draining my own self by typing this and I’m sure you all are tired of reading it.


    weight loss weblog


    ~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


    Proverbs 25:28

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    so did this nail you?

    July 26, 2007

    I hope you don’t get sick! No more having the sicklies! It’s summer. I’m pretty sure it’s against the law.