weekend getaway……hurry up and get back!

This past weekend the praise and worship team and our husbands (well most of our husbands) went to indianapolis for the weekend to visit the Indianapolis Childrens museum. If you’ve never been there before I urge you to go go go. It is so cool. We are like big kids as soon as you walk through the door. They have tons of interactive things for the kids to do and I just love it because I am the biggest kid when it comes to stuff like this. Like seriously we had to use our children as diguises so we could get in without getting funny stares LOL! j/k. BUt anyway we all got reservations for a room and we rented some cars and went. There was one small catch though. We had to be back and ready for church on sunday. That was not cool at all. But we don’t have a backup praise and worship team and the minister of music that plays the keyboard was with us. So we basically had to get up early Sunday morning and hop in the cars and come back to Cincinnati. Which is not so bad because Cincy is only 1.5 hours away but it sucked because we felt like we couldn’t really RELAX yanno?!?! We arrived Friday night checked in and got comfortable and let the kids go swimming while the grownups sat around and talked and laughed and acted silly. And for once they only called room service on us ONE TIME! WOW that was a record. Normally when we hang out they call room service on us so much sometimes they call the police cause we laugh and act silly LOL. I could see if we were partying like rock stars and jumping on beds and hanging from chandeliers but we just sit around and talked. ANyway,  we joked and talked till about 3AM (ofcourse the kids were back by then). Everyone got up for continental breakfast ate then laid back down for about an hour or so then we all got dressed and headed into town.

Because DH and I had been to the children’s museum before, we lead the way with one small problem: DH decides he doesn’t want to drive because he wants to be cute and not put on his glasses because he feels that he can’t see his face anymore he feels as if he’s losing his identity because of his glasses. Whaa whaaa cry me a river okay?!?! So this ofcourse knocks the whole destination off course because I AM THE NAVIGATOR and he normally just drives. Well since he wants to be cute he becomes the navigator. Until we realize that this bone head can’t read maps!!!!!! So I’m glancing at the map and trying to drive at the same time cause he doesn’t know what he’s doing,  which in turn causes us to get lost atleast 3 times!   I was steaming mad! So we finally get there and get parked and all 15 of us(yes that’s right 15) head to the childrens museum to find a ton of people walking out of the museum so we’re trying to figure out what is going on. Someone walks past us and says. The Museum is closed there’s been a power outage and all of the power is out for blocks.  Okay…. so now what……..

Well we find out that there are people working on the lines it should be atleast between an hour to 2 hours before the place will be opened back up. SO we go back to our cars and head downtown and find out that the indiana black expo was going on and a game at Victory Parkway so we get stuck in tons of traffic decide to go to white river state park and check out some museums to waste some time to find out that as soon as we get settled I call the Childrens museum and they are back open. We all hop in our cars and head back up to the museum get there only to find that we only have 2  hours to get through this museum that has so much to explore. Though our time was cute short we had a really great time! So it turned out okay.

We went to circle city mall to get something to eat in the land of hoochieville. OMGosh I have never seen so many bootyshorts in one place at one time. And it was enough weave there to build a yak all by itself . It was really an interesting event. But one thing that I saw that really upset me was a little girl that could’ve been no older than 11 years old with an orange body suit on and some sandals that tied all the way up to her knees. I turned to my daughter and told her I would kill her if I ever saw her dressed ANYWHERE like that.  even as a teenager. And what was really so scary about what we saw was the the majority of these girls that we saw in booty shorts and halter tops and sandals laced up to their knees were at the oldest 16-17. I don’t know why but that really had me disgruntled. So as we leave out we get stuck in another hour of traffic  and we finally get back to the room and everyone chills out and relaxes and gets ready for bed after the kids go swimming again.

There was a small incident that happened that I really don’t want to go too in detail about with my girls that really made me look at myself and them in a whole new way. Nothing horrible or anything but just our points of view on things yanno. ANd it made me realize that I can see my own spiritual growth in God. If I was to really go into detail it would be a deep entry that nobody understands anyways so why even go there?

So we get up the next morning go to church and we’re all a little disgruntled that we HAVE to be at church instead of maybe enjoying the weekend getaway but we realize that we have a work to do and that’s all there is to it. So once we all got past our flesh and put our minds in the right place instead of the woe is me places we were good. PRaise and worship went forth and the atmosphere was sooo anointed by the presence of God that we had and altar call in the middle of praise and worship!!!!!! Souls were delivered healed and set free in Jesus!!!!! People were giving their lives to the Lord without prompting. Now that is the kind of service that I long for! To see God’s will being done in the earth. Yokes of bondage, Church masks and grave clothes being taken off and people just being real with God. Honesty without shame yanno?!?!   It was awesome! So all of the griping and whining basically was in vain because had we not been at church on our posts we don’t know how that service would’ve panned out so I’m graqteful that we were there.

So after church we went and got something to eat came home and I slept yesterday longer than I have slept in a loooonnnnggggg time. I slept from 6 pm sunday to 6am monday. It was WONDERFUL!!!!!! Kids slept pretty good too. So that was my rushed yet relaxed weekend. I wouldn’t exactly call it a vacation but it was a nice break.


weight loss weblog


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28

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July 23, 2007

I know how that “I have to be at church” feeling is…. it sucks. but I’ve been taking time off lately so my perspective has changed 🙂

July 23, 2007

I point out to my daughters too if I see girls not dressed properly, I try to tell them there is no need to dress so provocative.

LOL @ your vain husband! I hate when kids dress too old. I was at a wedding this spring and cousins granddaughters were dressed like they were 30 with tons of make-up on and they were only 9 & 13. Yikes!

Oh the museum sounds interesting. Glad you had a get away, nothing better than being with friends and family, other than of course a spirit filled church. : )

I feel the same way about you and the hootchie scene. I hate it.

awww I didnt know u were coming this way. haha it would have been cool if we could have met up, some day we will hehe. Glad u had a good time

July 24, 2007

You sure had a wonderful time. Love to hear about the praise & worship and all. Praise God!