Hope you all had a great weekend

Mine was OK I really can’t complain. I never got a chance to really relax but I wasn’t upset about that I actually got to spend time with family so it was cool.

The life changing event happened and it turned out exactly as I thought it would….not good. I don’t know why but I pictured myself being alot more dramatic about it but it was like God just made me numb. I couldn’t cry about it or anything which is a really GOOD thing. I have to tackle the task of talking to my baby and that’s the only thing that scares me about all of this. She is the one that will be affected the most about all of this. I know I may be talking in codes to alot of yall but like I said I’m really not ready to talk about it yet I’ll do a faves only entry about that.

Anyways,  the wedding was BEAUTIFUL. Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera and couldn’t take pictures but my voice was in almost tip top shape besides that cold thank you Jesus. I was so happy seeing my cousin getting married. We’re all grown up now yanno? Before I got saved he was my smoking buddy. as a matter of fact all his grooms party used to be my lil smoking crew so it was almost like a reunion except they knew I don’t roll like that anymore. Many of them don’t either but it was just good to be around them. I had a great time.


Sunday one of the Divas(that’s what we call each other on the praise and worship team) brothers came to church he was in town from ATL they just found each other after 29 years and they are building a relationship and getting to know each other and this was their first time meeting. What was so crazy about it though is that I went to school with him and we were good friends and all this time they didn’t know each other. So he came to church and he’s a pretty handsome guy and he’s like 6’4 a couple of  women were just all over him LOL! We were teasing him about it. I said boy you ain’t walked up the church but about 5 minutes and them girls are just eyeing you and giggling talking to each other lol. He didn’t care about none of that though he was just happy to see his sister. After church we all met over Divas house and they cooked. I brought food and Dh, my niece, the kids, and I chilled with them till about 11 o’clock last night. And now I’m tired at work. But I’m so happy for the both of them because this was truly a work of God.


weight loss weblog


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28

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July 16, 2007

Weddings are always nice. Glad you had a good weekend. Have a good Monday.

July 16, 2007

sounds like good things happened too. Sorry the other didn’t work out but God has a plan, of this we can be sure. *hugs*. Its been so nice for me not to get up and go to work Monday mornings for three weeks I have been blessed to be half a bum. But thats ending soon. It’s been a nice treat.

July 16, 2007

I like that proverb. Glad you had a good time at the wedding.

July 16, 2007

Glad you had a quasi-good weekend. I’m sorry that situation, whatever it was, didn’t turn out as well as it could have.

All things happen for a reason, right? I’m glad the wedding went well.

July 16, 2007

im so glad you had a good time at church and the wedding. i hope all things turn out well and i’ll say a prayer for you. tc hon

July 17, 2007

Glad you had a good weekend. Continue to stay strong in Him and know that He is in control. Have a blessed week.