Happy Friday Everyone

Hope you all enjoy your weekends. I’m sorry but I’ve been too tired to really update. I’m feeling a little bit better today (as long as the medicine keeps kicking in lol).

I have a very busy day ahead of me and I’m a little nervous about it. The Life changing event is set to happen today @ 6:00. I didn’t really take that into consideration when scheduling and planning my day today which sucks,  because depending on the outcome I may want to take on the world or I may want to yell and scream at the world so I really messed up on that one. See the wedding rehearsal that I’ll be singing at is tonight from 6-8PM. My voice is pretty much in tact so I can atleast sing for the wedding. Though my sinuses are draining backwards down my throat which is really weird so hopefully I don’t get choked up trying to sing.  But I don’t want to have any emotional breakdowns in the middle of this girls wedding rehearsal yanno?

So after that I have to head on over to Praise and Worship rehearsal. Wow NIkki that’s alot of running around,  you’d say??? Are ya sure you wanna hit up another rehearsal after singing in a wedding rehearsal you say? YES  YES and YES. Praise and Worship practice is my therapy from the world. When my sisters and I get together we talk about EVERYTHING! Nothing is off limits. And this helps me to heal. I don’t have many real friends that I share intimate things with or that I share anything with for that matter. But these girls….. they are my heart. And I would cut a leg off for one of them and if anybody can understand the things and issues I go through it’s them. Sometimes we don’t even have rehearsal yanno,  sometimes we share and pray and let stuff just go! I need people like that in my life because I keep to myself so much that I can have so much bottled up in me and poor DH doesn’t know how to take it sometimes. Sometimes you just need some sister wisdom yanno especially about girl/woman/spiritual problems.


So in that light please keep me lifted I promise to reveal it soon enough I’m just not ready right now.  




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~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28

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July 13, 2007

Understood :~) Have a great weekend luv!

July 13, 2007

amen to that. i dont really have anyone except my sis to spill any and everything to. she understands and doesnt judge or isnt fake about anything. i would love to have more friends like that but they are so hard to come by these days

July 14, 2007

Feel better girl!

The girls at your practice sound like good friends. It’s great to be able to have friends like that. I have a couple of people in my life that I tell everything too. One of them is my sister. Good luck with the wedding.

so how did that thing go?