
Feeling a lil bit sucky today but I must continue to do a good job and fight through the oncoming sickness that is trying to attack.

If I had a brick I’d smack DH with it  He is intent on keeping the house  ‘nice and cool’ well nice and cool has made everybody in the a popsicle and sick. My daughter woke up in a cold sweat last night burning up. I gave her some motrin and let her lay with me and rubbed her hair till she went back to sleep. Yesterday I felt an ear ache coming on so I stuffed my right ear with tissue paper (ghetto version of cotton lol sorry we ran out), by the time I woke up both ears were sore and so was my throat. Daughter temp was down a little. I took her temp this morning and it was at 101.5 and I’m thinking good gawd if that was down what in the world was her temp last night?  Anyway I gave her some more medicine and then I hear My Son sneezing. I’m starting to freak out thinking Lord please don’t let him be sick too. BUt he usually sneezes every morning. I checked his temp and he was fine. I turn the air off cause it’s freezing this morning and ol’ big head waits till I walk away and turns it back on!!!! Talking about, " now babe you know it gets hot in here by the time we get home from work, it’s best to just leave the air on." SO I told him fine I’ll turn the air on before we leave out the house, and I turn the air off.

I had a dream that I was at war with this old white man that was trying to attack my daughter. I got up and prayed for a bit then went back to sleep. Or atleast I THINK I got up and prayed a bit and went back to sleep lol. I really can’t remember.

Another reason I may have to backslap him is because I am getting PAID to sing at my cousins wedding this weekend and my throat is sore. So no singy no payie!  which means I’ll be consuming warm tea (which I hate) and honey and sucking on lemons for the next 3 days.

I went to webmd yesterday because lately my heart has been feeling like it’s gonna come out of my chest it beats so hard when I come up steps. I came across something about one of the side effects of Hypothyroidsm is a slow hearbeat and there is some kind of thing called bradycardia that is a result of this. I checked my resting heart beat last night and I guess it was normal. It was 74 BPm. I still want to call my doc and ask him about this. I felt really dizzy this morning @ speedway getting my coffee. I thought I was gonna faint. I talked to coworker about it because before he was in IT he was an EMT and he is really knowledgeable about this stuff. He says from the trigger words that I have it doesn’t sound like the heartbeat is too slow it actually sounds like it’s fast. And there may be a respitory (sp) infection and the ear ache could be a symptom or  I might need to get a stress test since the chest pains have been pretty consistent lately. He asked me if I’d taken my temp and I told him yes it was 98.0 which I guess is normal but for me a normal temp is normally like 96.5 or 97.6 somewhere around there. He thinks because my temp is normally so low I may actually have a fever but nevertheless it’s best to just call the doctor and talk about it and see if he wants me to come in.

I hate not knowing what’s up when something is wrong with me. Call it hypochondria or whatever but I’m really adamant about taking care of this issue. I don’t play around with my heart………. just made an appointment today so I wil have updates soon.   


And BTW…. I still rock! lol

weight loss weblog


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28

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July 11, 2007

Bradycardia is just another word for slow heart rate….I have tachycardia…which is very fast. Umm…how bout 150 bpm at times….it should be between 60 and 100. GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!!! ;o)

July 11, 2007

I’m glad you made an appointment. The heart is nothing to play around with! My normal temp is btwn 98 and 99. I stay hot lmao!

74 is fine for pulse. You feel dizzy because your equalibrium is offkilter because of the earache, probably. Also, very warm temps outside can cause you to feel dizzy if you are going from cold to hot to cold. Doc won’t worry about low pulse unless you are running 40-5os. My resting is 60+Each person is different. Some people run higher normally some run 80s. Pulses between 60-100 baseline are acceptable.

July 11, 2007

Hope you’ll get to sing at the wedding. Take care.

I’m praying for you. That sounds like you need to go to the doctor and check yourself out. Yes, your Man need to compromise just a bit. I would be miserable! Smooches…

July 11, 2007

The air thing is so childish. *shakes head* Does he know what compromise is? Sheesh.

July 11, 2007

Hey you can have those symptoms with just ear infection. Get to the doc please. I will pray your all feeling better soon

I would definitely see the doc because of the earache. The pulse is fine. Dizziness is probably as I said related to the earache. Feeling faint could be anything and could be nothing. But I would not see the doc just because of the pulse at 74.See him because you might have an infection since you have an earache.

I hope everything is okay with you. I’m definately glad that you made a Dr. appt. As a woman, you can’t mess around since we are high risk for heart disease. Have you been eating too much sodium. I think that ended up to be my problem; although, I think when I go back to the Dr. to check my thyroid I am going to ask him about a stress test. Make that husband of yours turn that AC down! I hope your throat feels okay to sing at the wedding.