Thank God for another miracle!!!!!!!

July 4th @ 4:00AM I received a call from my aunt. She woke me up out of my sleep and I never get calls from her that late at night so I knew something was wrong. But when I picked up the phone she was praising God and crying at the same time. She couldn’t really talk so I had to get her to calm down and talk to me.

She kept saying God just gave me my miracle. She was in the emergency room with her son my cousin who was rushed to the trauma ward from a motorcycle crash. He was riding down the street and a possum jumped out in front of the bike but the way that the lights hit it the animal looked huge so he began to swerve the bike and it crashed into a tree. By the grace of God he came through with no internal injuries,  no head trauma ( he had on his helmet thank God). He had a big gash in his left ankle so deep you could see to the bone and his whole right side is scratched up and he may have broken his hip so they will be doing surgery to put a rod in his leg. I talked to her and you know what? THis whole ordeal could’ve been worse. My cousin is alive (THANK YOU JESUS).  When I got to the hospital @ 4:30AM he was alert and talking, He was not paralyzed he could move his toes. They stiched up the gash and though he was in alot of pain he is still here. That is a miracle within itself. I prayed with my aunt and encouraged my cousin and he is grateful to God. He is not saved but he knows all about God and he knows that it was his praying mother that has been covering him. He comes to church every once in a while and I can’t wait until the day that he is able to celebrate his miracle of Life. My husband calls him a cat cause he has 9 lives lol. This Boy has been through so much but God still has him here for a reason. I told him too. I said you are going to be so mighty in the kingdom because of all that you’ve been through in your life. And your still a winner no matter what. His boys came to see about him and they wanted to go the depressing route but I cancelled that. Ain’t no tears and frustration going on up in here. That boy is Alive, he has the activities of his limbs, he is not in a coma,  he does not have internal injuries. From the scene of the wreck the tow guy called my aunt to give her his condolensces. She was like, " what are you sorry for? My baby ain’t dead." LOL the Guy from the towing company  said from the looks of the wreck there is no way possible that any man could’ve lived through it unless somebody was watching out for him. My aunt said yeah God was watching out for him.  He said the bike couldn’t even be recognized as a bike. It looked like scrap metal all over the place. BUt My cousin told us that when the bike swerved he pushed off of it and jumped back and that was went the force from him jumping back caused him to fall backwards and all he could hear was his helmet scraping the ground has he was being thrown backwards, then just being in alot of pain. He was conscious through the whole thing. So today they are supposed to be operating on him because the hip injury was later determined that his bone was crushed alot more than the doctors anticipated so they may have to put pins in his knee as well. I will find out today what they will do but I am so thankful to God for sparing his Life. We could be sitting around making funeral arrangements today but by the GRACE OF GOD!  Hallelujah!!!!! He is still here. He is 24 years old and he is still a fighter I know that God has something in store for him. I praise God for that!


Oh and I weighed myself today and I’m down 4 lbs yayyyy me!!!!! I did walk atleast 3 times last week so I’m happy and I wasn’t consistent with the water but I will continue to strive to make my goal. 135 oz a day. I’m determined. I’m not even back down to my highest weight in my ticker right now but I am too lazy to go change it so there ya have it LOL. But regardless I’ve received my victory!!!! HALLELUJAH! Psalm 16: 5 is stuck in my spirit today so I thought I’d share.

Psalm 16:5 (Whole Chapter)
The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot.






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July 5, 2007

Congratulations on your weight! I hope your cousin feels better really soon!

That is soooo wonderful. Yes thanks, be to God. He’s always looking out.

July 5, 2007

I’m glad your cousin made it through! WTG on the 4lbs!!!!!

Saw you on the front page:0) WOW! Praise God for such an amazing miracle! There is now way your cousin can deny that!;0)

July 5, 2007

That is amazing! I’m so glad your cousin is ok!! Congrats on the 4lb weight loss!

July 5, 2007

That is a good testimony for him. Glad he is alright, I’m telling you we believe in an old mighty God. He’s the best!

July 5, 2007

Praise God for His protection! Alleluia.

July 5, 2007

RYN: Girl, you think so? I can hardly see it! Thank you so much. I need some encouragement…. My brother has an infection now, so I’m not sure what’s going on. They are trying to get my mom on the list of people able to call the hospital since she is a nurse and knows what to ask. I’m still hopeful though!

July 5, 2007

awesome awesome awesome! our god is always faithful!

July 5, 2007
July 5, 2007