This Joy that I have….

This Joy that I have, The world didn’t give it to me

This Joy that I have,  The world didn’t give it to me

This Joy that I have,  The world didn’t give it to me

The World didn’t give it, and the World can’t take it awayyyyyyyyyyy


I’ve taken an inventory of my last couple of months of entries and to be frank they are just depressing. I can’t live like that and I definitely am not about to let my circumstances dictate my Joy. Happiness is based on outcomes and circumstances but Joy is a spiritual fruit that will sustain whether you are happy,  or sad. I know that I still have my Joy of the Lord if I have nothing else and that is what keeps me going. So from now on I am pulling Joy from the innermost parts and journey along living a life that will Glorify Jesus. One of my Random Noters put in an entry that anyone that Lives for Jesus is not in their right mind,  well I’ll tell you something. Though that person was speaking from ignorance about spiritual things,  it does seem that way to the world. They may never understand having the truth of God living on the inside and a transformed mind and heart that points toward Jesus unless you have the Holy Spirit living within.

And that is what sustains me and keeps me and allows me to have JOY even in my weakest moments. The bible states that the Joy of the Lord is my strength,  so although it may not LOOK good,  and it may LOOK like all hell is breaking loose around you, when you think on the Things of Jesus Christ and all he endured so that we may be free and have access to the throne of grace in heaven, all these minute things just don’t compare. Living for Jesus may not be the easiest and Most SAne (to some people) thing to do but the rewards are out of this world. I once heard a man say that I’d rather live this life as if there was a God and die to find out that there isn’t one than to live as if there was no God and die to find out that there IS one….. 

Today I got up and got dressed and for my walk and got to the door and saw winds blowing and a ton of rain showers flowing so I went back into the house thinking…. Okay now what lol. I  turned to fit tv and did a quick workout  maybe about 10 minutes. That’s not alot but it is wayyyyy more than I’ve been doing lol. I got in 96 oz of water yesterday,  I am determined to get in my 135 oz. I started drinking water too late in the day yesterday.

I have a life changing event coming up tonight that will effect my daughter that I am nervous about so I ask prayers for strength through that… I may make a private or faves entry about that depends on how I feel. But other than that……………


I have the JOY of Jesus Christ!!!!


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You will be in my prayers tonight. I hope everything is okay. 10 minutes of exercise is something and better than nothing.

June 29, 2007

Prayin’ for ya… TGIF!

June 29, 2007

Amen to this! I’ll pray for you tonight. Have a blessed weekend.

OMG poor soul needs to be prayed for. Don’t know what they are missing. Will pray for wonderful outcome for tonight.

June 29, 2007

RYN: I just went back and read all of them. Thanks for being encouraging and uplifting as always. I just feel like my days are flying by and I have nothing to really show for it, you know? Have a good weekend and be blessed!


July 2, 2007

RYN: Good Luck on the 5K! I envy runnin’ folks. LOL