Breaking Generational Curses *edit w/ pics*

Thanks for that topic blessed beauty.

I want to thank you all so much for your prayers and support during this time. I’m feeling much better today.

I wanted to name this entry according to exactly what God is doing in my life. It’s amazing! For those of you that have read me over the past couple of months you all know that I am going through a spiritual revealing of my spirit and the Lord is really doing all of the work. I knew that during this time some things would be exposed and I knew that I would go through some serious Highs and lows emotionally as forewarned by my copastor but your never REALLY ready to see it when it hits you lol. But on to the entry.

This past weekend the Praise and Worship team planned to have a retreat at a cozy little bed and breakfast in a beautiful area. Well at the last minute 2 of the girls cancelled because of expenses but I still wanted to go and the other girl did too… shoot she reserved it on her credit card so really we had no choice lol. We got to the place and it was B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. I will post the pictures that I took shortly. Coincidentally my cell phone just conked out completely while we were there so I could only get a few pictures. I think that was God’s way of telling me to shut off the world why we were out there because as soon as I got back home my phone was working just fine lol. Anyway… while on this retreat we really got to chat it up and get to know each other and connect spiritually as sisters. And the weird thing about all of this is that we are cousins and never knew it until I came to my church that I am currently at. People mistake us for each other all the time and we do kind of favor but all my life I never knew her and she new about me but had never met me. I don’t know if I told you all but my family is HUGE! I mean like there are over 2000 of us in the Cincinnati area alone.  WEll the more we talked and got to know each other we began to talk about our personalities and how God is revealing and concealing things and all that Good stuff and she talked about some generational curses that she has seen in her family and how she and her brother are going to be the ones to break those curses and so on and so forth. So we went on a walk in a beautiful trail and we just sang praise songs and worshipped on this trail then we went back to our room and prayed. And in the midst of praying we prayed about breaking generational curses and declaring the Word of God over every situation as well as interceding for each other our church and families.  Here are pics from the trip:



(and yes that is my hair dryer lol sista don’t play around with her hair OKAY?!?!? LOL)

We went to eatr at a really nice local restaurant called mac d’s  I was hot sweaty and tired so my pic looks a mess lol.


We came back to Cincinnati and went to church and came in for intercessory prayer and there was this huge atmosphere of warfare and we were warring in it. Then we had sunday school and I taught my class. Church started and I noticed that alot of the leaders were missing… including the pastor. So I began to get a little nervous but I continued to pray and service started. Well why service was goin on in the praise and worship then it REALLY turned into  warfare and for some reason I started crying out for my family and standing in the GAP. After the praise and worship announcements and such went forth but the secretary assigned to do announcements wasn’t there. I mean there was alot of people missing and I started getting worried. The copastor got up and announced an emergency but to please bare with us and join in in the worship and flow of the service. When I began to notice that the majority of people that have left the church for this emergency was in MY family then I start to get nervous but I’m praying all the while. Service continues and right before my copastor begins to speak Pastor has made it back to the church with one of my family members so I’m feeling a little better like maybe everything is alright and service goes on. Then comes the altar call and we are all in the flow of the spirit and people are being prayed for but I notice that my Pastor is crying. Like REALLY crying. He is pretty good at containing atleast until he gets his quiet time but he is not hiding anything. So I continue to pray and it turns into warfare again. I’m dancing around the church and in the process my husband comes to me and tells me that my cousin has been shot in the head. I continue to praise God regardless but it IS on my mind. After service I break down. It’s confirmed that he didn’t make it.  I call his wifes house and ask if they need me to bring anything over… food,  drinks, whatever. They request Chicken so we go home and proceed to buy some chicken then I stop in a quickie mart to get some pop and I run into one of my family members. He’s getting a beer. He speaks to some guy that was in there and they joke a little and the guy leaves. Not 2 SECONDS after this man has left his presence and he is talking about him to another Guy like a DOG! I mean killing him with words calling him all kinds of MFer’s and this that and the other.

My heart broke. I was mad at his words but My heart broke because it made me think instantly of my father. As  A matter of fact this family member and my father are best friends…. I mean like die hard ryde or die buddies. And my father is EXACTLY the same as him. They talk the same get into trouble together. Every addiction they’ve ever had they’ve had it together. They’ve lost their houses to gambling together… he has lost his wife and family to gambling and my daddy is on the same path and I’m thinking to myself,  Okay you have absolutely NO ROOM TO TALK AT ALL! Then I smelled this horrible stench but it wasn’t something that I was smelling with my nose. IT was something that I smelled with my spirit. It’s hard to explain it but it was like I could smell his spirit and it stank! I was fasting and had been fasting all week so I was very very very sensitive to the spirit. I went to my cousins house and walked in the door and his wife was sitting in the hallway facing the door. People told me that she kept crying saying she was waiting for him to walk through the door. I looked in her eyes and it scared me. I mean REALLY scared me. She is a woman of God but she wasn’t taking it well at all which ofcourse is to be expected I mean come on I would’ve probably been the same way. But there was a look in her eyes like she was on the brink of seriously loosing touch with reality. That was my first time seeing that in a person at all….. Once again I was very sensitive to the spirit so I understood why I was able to see that. I just began praying to myself while we were there. plenty of people came to visit and we stayed quite a wh

ile then I had to pick the kids up from a track meet.

For some reason I kept thinking about that cousin that I’d seen in the quickie mart that was smiling in that mans face and tearing him down as soon as he walked away and my father kept coming to my mind. Then I began to inventory my whole family and they have this real nasty trait of tearing people down with sarcasm and humor. And all I could think was what would make a person do that yanno? What would cause all that jealousy  to reside in someone’s heart like that where you can’t be happy for another family member or friend that is doing good. You can’t encourage other people instead you want your misery to have company. I just don’t get it. I called my aunt because I knew she was the only one that could relate to me. She used to talk about it all the time but I just thought she was tripping. I told her what was happening to me and she knew exactly what I was saying and she said she had to pray for God to take it from her. To either make them stop or stop her heart from breaking while watching them act foolishly. Then we began to talk more and I completely understood that God was revealing to me the curses that have been over my family for years. I started renouncing curses in the name of Jesus in my family and yesterday I woke up crying uncontrollably.

I felt like, " God why can’t you change them? How many of us will have to die for them to see that they need to be saved? Their souls are the most precious thing that they have but they still choose to abuse it? What is wrong with my family. If I carry any of those traits right now (which I do sometimes) please root it out of me. Pull it up."

Then I found out the way my cousin died which was excrutiating and It broke my heart because he had a really bad crack addiction  but he would try to change. He would sneak into the church before it ended on Sundays and he and my pastor would talk for hours. My pastor was delivered from Crack Cocaine as well so he knew what the guy was going through and I think that is why he was devastated as well.


I think I was interceding yesterday and my husband really helped me to get through it and today I’m much better. I had to get all of this off of my chest because I do believe that  God is going to break the generational curses.

We have a conference coming up this weekend and I’m so looking forward to what God is going to do corporately with the people that come and him just revealing himself even more.

Well thanks for your eyes once again for my mile long entries. lol.


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June 6, 2007
June 6, 2007

Yes God will break the generational curses, we were praying about those last night at church. We just need to keep on praying! God is great! Yesterday my husband prayed all day and I told him to go to this company that he applied for two weeks ago and they finally gave him the job and he will work in the day normal hours. This way he has time for us and church. *hugs*

Breaking generational curses….I like that title. It’s too bad that you had such a nice weekend and then come home to this tragedy. I hope you have a great conference and please know that you and your family will continue to be in my prayers.

June 6, 2007

ryn: no i was completely knocked out when they took those pics. they took the pics as they were doing the surgery and gave me a copy. which tickled me because i actually like stuff like that. medical and surgery stuff lol

June 6, 2007

Beautiful pic!!

June 7, 2007

Beatifull pictures they all look so nice!

June 7, 2007

Oh, I am sorry about your cousin. It is really so sad that it had to happen. Thanks for sharing about your walk with God and for posting those nice pics and esp the one with your anointed smile. God bless.

June 7, 2007

I just read your previous entry. Glad you are feeling better. God is always in control. Amen?

You are so beautiful. You have a fabulous smile that lights up your whole face.

The place you retreated to looks lovely. Sombody knows their ambiance. Last year I took praise walks all the time. I went through a period of a few years with my family where it just hurt to be around them as they shred the others family or kid to one another. Thank God it ended. Now we are all for one and one for all again. I know how heartbreaking it is.

My dad went up to the donkey ball game, first time he ever played and started latching them on straight away. He is definately gifted. Which one are you in the pics above?