Outcome of Doctors Appointment

Went to the doctors office and met with my Doctor and he was very sincere and gave me his background in internal medicine working in a Hospital in New York for over 7-8 years. This is his first time working in a family practice but he has many accolades for his achievements and such and he explained that Mon-Thurs he works in the office and Fridays are his Hospital days. 

So I explain my situation and how I have to wait forever to get my appointments and that’s why I’ve come to him. He goes through my list of medicines and one of the medicines that I take is Chromagen Caplets for my anemia. He looks at my medicine and says, "what the heck is this?" I say  that’s the iron medicine that my doctor gave me for my anemia and I am only to take it during my cycle (I’m sorry TMI). So he says,"well in all my years of practice I’ve never heard of this medicine and I am looking it up and I cannot find it." So he calls my Pharmacy on his treo and asks my Pharmacist (walgreens) What is in this Chromagen medicine, and while on the phone with him I can here the conversation and the lady on the other line has no idea what is in this medicine either!!!  They go back and forth because he is reading her the riot act basically saying ‘ so this doctor has prescribed a medicine with b12 in it and other chemicals that her body DOES NOT need, you don’t know the chemicals that are mixed in with it and I’ve never heard of it and it’s quite expensive and it’s being filled? So when he gets off of the phone with her he explains that he doesn’t believe in just prescribing unneccessary chemicals in his patients. He believes more so in a healthy lifestyle and healthy alternatives and if a chemical is NEEDED then he will prescribe it. I’m happy with that. He stated that for my anemia, If I even have it I could’ve easily been directed to by an over the counter B12 supplement and then take it at all times and not just during my cycle. Yeah my iron level is lower during my cycle but not to the point that I should have to take a $25.00 prescription and I nor the Pharmacist even knows what is in this med.

Next med that we go to is my metaformin. Which is basically medicine to bring my blood sugar levels up when their low. but he explains that unless I am a diabetic I shouldn’t be taking this medicine. I am not a diabetic. At one point and time I was in the baby stages of having it but when I lost a bunch of weight my levels indicated that I was no longer at risk. So he explains that the medicine is safe but it’s not needed especially if it doesn’t accomplish what I specifically took it for. I originally took it because I was having problems with my appetite and eating alot more than I needed and my doctor thought my blood sugar levels may have been low which would cause me to eat more. He aswks me, " Well did that medicine help your appetite?" My answer was NO, I’ve had that medicine for over 3 years and i stopped taking it because I felt it wasn’t working but since I’ve gained so much weight lately I had started taking it again (it’s not expired), But still no difference.

So then he asks me about my hypothyroid medicine and I know the name but I didn’t have the medicine with me to give him my dosage so he tells me when i get a chance to please give him that. So what he wants to do first off is schedule a blood draw as soon as possible so that he can get a look at my levels. With me not having my levels checked since October and gaining 40 lbs since January he thinks it may have to do with my dosage if it’s not right he will see about increasing it and possibly running some tests to make sure that everything is alright. At the time the lab was closed so I had to call in today to make an appt for Monday night @ 5:30,  which is also excellent because my old doctors office wasn’t accesible after 5:00pm and on Mondays and Tuesdays they stay open from 8AM-8PM.  So he tells me whenever I get my blood drawn he wants to see me a week later to discuss. At my old doctors office they told me it would take 3 weeks for my results to come back so this is a really huge relief.  week vs 3 Weeks is excellent. I came away from my doctors appointment very happy. This doctor was very attentive and listening and I really appreciate that because my other doctor was alright but most times she was rushing.

My husband is happy about it and he’s thinking about making an appointment with him also because he needs to have a checkup. BTW my old doctors office was in a Clinic. The only reason that I stayed with this office is because they had my records dating all the way back to a baby but it’s good to be moving on.

Today I don’t have to be at work until 1:00PM, and I’m only working 4 hours Yayy! But I have to do the other 4 hours Saturday to go through the inventory that was shipped in uninterrupted by normal day to day functions. So the next big obstacle is this Saturday. I have to schedule my work hours and my kids have their 1st track meet,  my husband wanted to surprise me with something for Mothers Day  but I have to be in the studio Saturday @ 4pm Saturday and that could probably last 4-5 hours.

So my agenda is this……….

Work 5AM-9AM

Track meet  (I have no idea what time it starts, but after my kids do their races and shot rounds we will have to leave)

Studio 4:00Pm-8PM

Hopefully sometime I will be able to squeeze in the  Mothers Day Surprise Hubby has for me.

Sundays are church days and NOTHING gets in the way of my devotion and dedication to God, especially when theer are souls on the line. Sundays are like my Sabbath Day.



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I’m glad you found a good doctor. He seems to be proactive.

May 10, 2007

I mean, praise GOD….

May 10, 2007

I am glad that everything workind out with the new doctor… I like doctors that are about the ‘natural’ approach.

May 10, 2007

Thank God you found a decent doctor. I’m so mad they didn’t even know what was in the medicine. Boo to that!

May 10, 2007

he sounds like a good doc. definately keep him. i know when i was taking the metaformin i was supposed to have lab work done every 3 months because it can hurt your liver. was your doc doing that? i stopped taking it though after i dropped some weight…it always made me feel sick after i took it.

May 10, 2007

RYN: nope the medicine didnt help me at all..instead i fixed my diet and started working out.

May 10, 2007

Sounds like a good start to getting some quality treatment!

May 10, 2007

He is such a great doctor. I have an appointment today but i really dont feel up for it so I have to call and cancel it. As a matter of fact I am going to do it now. =)

wow, well im glad u found a good doctor. that sucks that this other doc prescribed some stuff you don’t need, and that no one’s heard of. That is such crap.

RYN: it’s only a 55 second clip but enough to freak ya out. I’m still freaked out by it, but yeah people need to know, and make the right choice before it’s too late. I’d sure hate to be one of those left behind, if i saw people just disapear like that I’d be sooooo freaked out and scared. I made it public so that everyone can see, I may post again next week or so.

Hope all stays well MrsD. You’re in my prayers.