Latest and greatest inspiration

I just thought of that song while attempting to stay in touch with the od world. Nothing new has really been going on except that I’ve been running consistently and have incorporating walking on my lunch breaks which I will be doing soon.

Yesterday Lil Quincy had a fever and he was coughing so I stayed home with him and gave him medicine. He doesn’t seem to cough while we are indoors only outside so I wonder if he has allergies? and he always breaks out in hives on the back of his neck when the seasons change. I got him some claritin and benadryl just to be safe. He isn’t completely allergic to outside it seems to be really small and I don’t want to restrict him from playing outside but yesterday he hadf to stay in the house cause the cardinal rule from mama is if you stay home from school cause you sick you’d better stay in that bed or laying somewhere ALL day not just until everyone gets out of school lol.

I weighed myself yesterday and I’m down 2.7 lbs which is awesome. Now that I’m back on my water kick (hot weather does that to ya lol),  I’m sure alot of this weight from the regain will come off with the quickness


Well I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it here or not but I am a part of the praise and worship team for my church and God has really anointed all 4 of us to sing. Well we have a cd project in the works as a group outside of the church although it is still gospel some praise and worship music and we’ve been getting the contacts and business end of getting the cd up and going. It’s amazing how God is giving us favor with certain ppl. We have access to an apostle that actually TAUGHT us the principles and style that we worship. Well we found out that he has a host of connections in the music industry as he used to play for many many superstars and he still has spiritual connections to them  ie, prayer partner,  spiritual consultant and all that and he has asked us for permission to mention us to these connections to help us get our foot in the door. THAT is AWESOME. And not only that,  one of the brothers that just joined the church is my niece in laws boyfriend and he has been talking to me and didn’t even know about the project and when I told him about it he informs me that he has his own studio with equipment and gives me a roster of folks that he’s worked with… well known folk. So I ask him about us coming to his studio to record and he wants us to come to his studio and he’ll do everything for FREE?!?! I don’t know if yall know about studio time but baby it costs money to get up ion anybody’s booth and record let alone mix the song down and get the levels and all that other stuff right. God is really and truly showing us that everything that we need is in the kingdom! I’m so blessed by this.


Work is work. I’ve come back to another beautiful mess.  I have 2 more truckloads of inventory from the shutdown plant with nowhere to store it and I found out that there is a thief that has been stealing inventory by the truckloads so we had to mount a camera and take other precautions as to securing the lot and this doesn’t even entail my day to day work. So As usual I’m still overwhelmed when I look at the odds but I’m determined that God is in control and I’m not worried about it. To God be the Glory.

Thanks for reading. I’ll get this ticker thing working in a minute. 





weight loss weblog

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May 2, 2007

hey lady. praise God for all your blessings! glad things are going well with you. *hugs*

Fabulous news about the recording! Congrats on the weight loss.

May 2, 2007

That is awesome! And I need to get back on the health kick. Bleh.

May 3, 2007

Good news! Hope that everything works out…

May 4, 2007

my son has an allergy to cold its called cold urticaria maybe your son has soemthing like that

May 7, 2007

Let me know when your CD is ready. Would love to hear your praise & worship songs..