Happily Excellent *edit*

If you ask me how I feel today this will be my response. Happily Excellent!!!!


The 40 day fast is over(not like I was sticking to it anyway lol),  and Resurrection Sunday has past and I’m doing great!!!!

Yesterday I took off from work because I couldn’t move when I woke up. My body was sooooo tired I couldn’t get myself up, I then began to freak out about some issue that needed to be resolved at work and how I’m only at my 60 day mark of my 90 probation and how’s that gonna look on my record,  but then I prayed. I laid in one spot and asked God for some wisdom. My daughter has been having headaches because of some teeth coming in in the back of her mouth. I’m thinking but wait,  she’s too young for wisdom teeth to be growing in and she has all of her grown up teeth (she’s 10) so what’s this about. And she was breaking out in hives all over her body. So that was my excuse and I began to think about it as well. Last week was my babies spring break and I hadn’t spent one day with them so yanno what? I took off…well kinda took off lol I was still working from home. And I tell you what I made an appt to check up on my daughters teeth in which I found out that her 12 year old Molars are growing in and that’s why she’s in pain and all she needs is ibuprofen. We have hydrocortisone and benadryl for the hives so after I did that I sat in the house ALL day let them watch movies while I replied to a couple of emails and phone calls then I made a huge breakfast (we didn’t eat breakfast until 12:30 lol) and we all watched more movies went to sleep and so on and so forth lol. It was magnificent and I still get paid 4 hours because I was working at home. And lets not forget I had to work on the Holiday for about 4 hours so that counts as double pay. Hoorahh!

Anyway let me tell you guys about my morning this amazing thing happened to me and I can’t really explain it but i hope I can get this out. Last night I had a really hard time getting to sleep because of my back. I don’t know what was up with that. If I slept on my stomach the arch of my back felt like it was on fire,  and if I slept on my back (which I CANNOT DO),  the arch of my back and my butt was soooooo uncomfortable. So I grabbed a pillow and laid on my side and finally went to sleep. I have no idea what I dreamt about but I remember that some movies that I had watched earlier that day were a part of my dreams with ppl that I know subsituted. WEll this morning I woke up with a smile on my face. And the reason was because the dream was fully completed by the time I woke up. I know it sounds stupid but for the past 6 months my dreams have not had endings. I always wake up and force myself to go back to sleep to try and get to the end of the dream. Well today the first time in months the dream completed itself before I woke up and I literally woke up smiling because of this. Then sometimes when I wake up in the morning there is a song in my head, it’s like God speaks to me through the lyrics of these songs. So when I woke up I was hearing Fred Hammonds,  More of you and the Lyrics Go:

Lord your love for me, gives me everything I need,  and it keeps me

Wanting More of you

You are my delight, and in you I’m satisfied,  Lord you keep me

Wanting more Love

And the song goes on and on.

So I got up used the restroom and went into the living room and put that cd on and I just singing and listening to that song  (I put it on repeat). I then got down on my knees to pray and got sleepy so I made myself stand up and walk the floor and I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to grab my scripture keys and I began to go through some protection scriptures but what stuck out to me was Psalm 91:9-11 "Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High,  thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee,  neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For He shall give his angels charge over thee,  to keep thee in all thy ways."

 So I began to meditate on that and when My husband came in the room I told him that the Lord was leading us to pray together before we go to work because we have both been extremely stressed about the jobs. We prayed together and this morning while riding to work I heard very softly in my ear. God is in control.

And I began to smile. God was reassuring me that he is in control and when he is in control nothing can come against me to harm me. Psalm 24 :1  the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, the world and  they that dwell therein. And if this earth is the Lord’s and the Spirit of the Holy God dwells within me I have the Authority to control my situations at work by the Word of my testimony and by the blood of the lamb!!!! Putting Kingdom principles to work. I began to feel a peace come over me like you wouldn’t believe and I typed out on a piece of paper and posted it up on my bulletin board and on a post it not and stuck it to my monitor.

Oh yeah and also I haven’t eaten fast food or restaurant food in 2 days! I’m so proud of myself yall. I have been eating out since like Feburary but today that stops and on my lunch break once I get done typing I’m going outside for a walk. I may have more to talk about when I get back but that’s it for now.

SMILE God is in control!



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Happily excellent is a wonderful mood to be in. God is in control and I believe that everything happens for a reason. It may not make sense to us now or ever but God has his reasons.

April 10, 2007

Yay for an excellently joyous entry! God IS in control! It’s when we decide to grab the steering wheel that things get out of control :~(

Thank you so much for this entry. I so needed to read this. I am in a place of unbelievable doubt and stress. It is overwhelming. I trust God, but I so do not see things as of yet! RYNs: I think I need to clarify a few things for you… 1: I am a hospital chaplain. So I am in the medical field, but not really. In other words I am a hospital preacher. I prepare people to die orlive with incredible changes. Such as people with cancer, AIDS and other life threatening illnesses. Outside of the hospital I am an ordained reverend. 2: I have a BA in Communications, a BS in Political Science and a M.Div. in Divinity/Religion with emphasis in Women’s Studies 3: I have never lived in NYC. I only go there to visit. i am from MS, but I went to undergrad in DC and then moved here to go to Grad school. However, what makes this move so different than when I lived there before is that I am not a student anymore and I am not moving into a dorm, but a real apartment. It is soo expensive. Okay, I think that is everything. I really need to buckle down and get in my Word. I need peace, “the peace that passeth all understanding” right now. Smooche

April 10, 2007

you encourage me to seek the face of God. peace and blessings to you 🙂

April 11, 2007

God is good. All the time. God is good.
