A little better Crossing fingers j/k

Well I’m headed to work and I’ve already made arrangements for the move. When I got home yesterday I had to let all of my frustrations out…… remember my therapy that I was talking about hint hint. I wrote it down then I began to meditate on God and for direction in this and I feel a little better. Couldn’t sleep all night though. I was waking up every hour on the hour thinking about work today. But God has assured me that I’ll nbe okay today so I’m going to trust God in all of this. I plan on being out of that place by 11:30-12:00pm at the latest. We have a communion service tonight at 7:30 with a meal following so I’m looking forward to that.


Well I’m headed to work now. I just got off of my cell with some guys in the warehouse making arrangements and I’m dropping the kids off and headed up the highway. Pray for a sista yall while I keep you all lifted in prayer as well.


Thanks for listening and the words of advice yesterday. This expressing your emotions stuff is very exhausting lol.

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praying…work can be difficult at best.

April 6, 2007

You’re going to be absolutely fine. You gave it to God. That’s all that needs to be done. That shows great faith.

April 6, 2007

I pray that you have a wonderful day and weekend. and no that was from my message archives from yahoo. my memory is pretty bad so if i would’ve remembered all that, i would’ve been really impressed myself. lol

I hope your day went well.

thank you for ur comment hehe. this has actually been a pretty good bday. I posted a couple pics i took of myself today, a few mins ago if ya wanna chek em out. I would have posted on myspace, but the upload thing is down for maintence lol