The peace, calm, and serenity of silence

This is what I am feeling today and it’s positively overwhelming. Thank you God! My Daughter went over her dad’s for the weekend, Little Quincy spent the night with a friend and Big Quincy had to work this morning. It was so weird not being woke up by " Mama can I have some cereal?",  or fighting over channels in the living room. I as crazy as this sounds I actually couldn’t sleep past 8:30. But once I got up the house was quiet so I came into the living room and just sat. Didn’t turn on the TV or the stereo. Just listened to the whirl of the fan while it was on me. Then I got up and came to the computer. And I finally updated my myspace lol check it out.  

So I have obligations to attend to today don’t get me wrong. But I am in NOOOO rush. I’m taking my time, and deciding what to do next. I know I’ll take a shower and that the house needs to be straightened up but MAN I am just sooo enjoying this feeling right now. If I could bottle it up and open it for special occasions I sure would. But unfortunately it will soon come to an end. lol.

I have a birthday dinner for one of my best pals to attend tonight so I’m going shopping for an outfit and I might get my toes done. maybe…. we’ll see. But the bank closes at 2:00pm and right now it’s 12:30 so maybe in about 15 minutes I’ll get around to moving and doing something but until then I’m going to continue to enjoy this rest. 😀

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enjoy your weekend

I love when I can have quiet moments like that, they are rare lol

Have fun at your friend’s birthday.

March 25, 2007

Hope you enjoyed your Saturday and your Sunday is being blessed richly. I looked at your myspace.. you’re beautiful and seem like you have great character.. 🙂 Keep loving God. blessings.

March 27, 2007

sounds like fun. 😉

March 27, 2007

So happy you had that peaceful moment. I did get your note about what’s going on, and to me you wouldn’t be complaining, you would just be real, ya know? But I can understand why you wanted to keep it to yourself. Sometimes I do that, but eventually I have to write a whole “this is why I hate my life right in this moment” entry lol.

March 27, 2007

You know some days I only get to read one chapter at a time; other days I can read 2-3 chapters. I don’t know how long this will take but however the Spirit moves me I will proceed.

i know that she probably made me out to look worse than I was. i never would have said or done what she did. I was really being nice compared to what I wantd to do. I dont know how to many anyone see my point, I only noted a few times, she noted more than me and they were all pretty long. I know she’s said bad stuff, because in her heart that’s what she got out of it, and I know there is no convincin her otherwise. I’m really hurt behind this, but what I can I say. I TRIED, and i hated to see this end, but who knows what the future holds. As for now, im still too upset to even wanna talk to her right now. and im upset, i cant get anyone to see my point. so i give up trying. people are gonna think what they want, and unless they are me, they never known how deep down things go with me. my notes i guess totaled 3 or 4, because one note, was several, so that counted as one, since there’s only so much room n a note box. I just needed some time away, and so i just shut her out of stuff, and tried to let it cool, but now she’s taken to tellin her sistes I said horrid stuff and they well one so far, has deleted me and didnt really give me a chance to say my part. I wasnt go

her sister, i mean that’d be stupid cause then she’d feel the need to defend her. But since she’s upset cause of what her sis said, she dont wanna be friends with me. If my “friend” had told me what she felt thing, i would have kept my mouth shut about it, and never talked to her again. she chose a time where she was upset for whateve reason, to lash out at me, to let me know her inner most feelings. Im tellin you now I wanted to do the same thing she did, but i was trying to be nice. But im done talkin about the subject, no one’s gonna see my point, so im just gonna leave it alone, and let God handle this one. cause right now im still very upset, to upset to talk to her, because i know no matter what I say, she has her heart set on her opinion. and that’s what hurt the most, but yeah im done talkin about it.

March 28, 2007

RYN: You crack me up! thanks for the encouragement. I love you girl and get your buns to the doctor!