*edit*Ups, downs, in-betweens, and getting better

Well I’ve had them all in the past week so I guess I’ll try to be as to the point as possible without rambling lol.

Last week my Pastor’s father past away (cancer) so we had his funeral last weekend. It turned out to be a nice occasion considering. We had to sing at the funeral which was a little bit of a surprise for me though honestly I don’t know how. Our praise and worship team are ALWAYS called to sing somewhere so it’s best to just be ready. To God be the Glory.

Monday I come to work to find out that my coworker/trainer is out sick. Talk about freaking out!!! I mean yeah I’ve learned a little bit but there was sooooo much stuff even still to learn that I was freaking out a little bit and even called him at home a couple of times about issues I needed help with (he knew I would call lol). Then Tuesday  he comes in but I get bombarded with issue’s first off because of daylight savings (OYVEY an IT person’s nightmare… just think Y2K),  then we had to merge some files and folders from a different server becaus one of our plants shut down. Talk about a nightmare! Well atleast he was there and able to help me with the bulk of that. Tuesday night I decide to finally fill my iron deficiency medicine cause Lord knows I need it and I haven’t fulfilled the prescription for atleast 2 months. I get to the pharmacy and find out that my prescription has went from $10.00 to $25.00?!?!?! What in the world? So I ask why am I paying so much….well your insurance went up.  SO as I go home complaining in my head and vowing to lose a bunch of weight so I’m not a slave to the pharmaceutical industry I began to notice hey you know what I am gaining weight. And not a little bit of weight but alot of weight. What is the deal? I I inventory my life these last 2 months and honestly I have been working so much and a part of so many projects I don’t have time to get exercise in or barely even cook. So I’ve been fast fooding it up like a mug and packing on the pounds. I’m so disappointed in myself. I mean I’ve cut all meats out of my eating all I eat is seafood and I still manage to gain weight. Darn Hypothyroid. I figure hey well atleast I am getting in a little bit of exercise carrying 10-15 lb pc’s around and walking through a plant to get from here to there and the likes. In my last job at I sat on a phone ALLLLL day. I guess that’s not working either.


Then I go to take out my sewin that I’ve been wearing for over a month and I notice that my seborrheic dermatitis is so bad that I have 2 very visible bald spots on the sides of my head. about the size of 2 nickels on each side of my head. So I’m getting fatter and all this long luxurious hair is baldingin spots. So no more ponytails or braids or weaves for a while. bleh bleh bleh

Then when I get to work Wednesday I notice I am woozy and dizzy and feeling like throwing up. Go to the hospital to find out ot’s a viral infection I have fluid behind my ears. more bleh bleh bleh

Well after I fill that prescription which by the way only costs 10.00, I go home lay down and today i feel much better and my flow at work is getting a little easier. I make an appointment to get a conditioner wash and a roller set so that should cover up the spots pretty well. so this is the getting better part.


PLease keep me lifted in prayer yall I really need it. Thanks


 Link to seborrheic dermatitis (oops I spelled it wrong sorry guys)


Well this is a link that kinda explains it. I have had it since I was a baby. Medicated shampoos and body washes and everything. It’s really irritating. When i started wearing my hair naturally alot of my symptoms went away. Now I’m still natural and it’s coming back with avengance. caked up dandruff it’s disgusting. That’s why I can’t wear hair styles for more than 1 week I get horrible itchy scalp lol. Anyhoo here it is. imma take a picture of the spots for clarification tonight.

 Oh yeah I forgot to add I talked to Quincy about it all because he just stepped into a new position on his JOb that he is having problems with too. I like what he said. Atleast we aren’t worried about how to pay the bills baby. Now THAT I am thankful for. I actually have money in the BANK. Thank you Jesus. Not too long ago that was a far fetched notion. Pfftt what? Money in the bank? Yeah right lol. but NOW…… I am actually cleaning up my credit AND I have money in the bank! Not much but it’ll do ;). We’ll have our house soon and very soon I can feel it. And The Lord is really granting me financial discipline. I mean I always thought that there was no such thing as too many shoes but once you start bursting out of your clothes you loose the appetite to shop yanno? Anyways no more pity parades things are looking up!





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March 15, 2007

what is seborhettic dermatitis? Last december my hair had fallen out on both sides of my head too. Two big ole bald spots. Like, the size of a peppermint patty. Bleh. I hope things start looking up health wise, and I know you are going to have the job thing down without a problem. You’re just still learning right now.

awww poor girlie, you are in my prayers.


I’ve never heard of seborhettic dermatitis either. **hugs** you got a lot of stuff going on with you. I hope you feel better soon.

March 15, 2007

You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers… Take care.

March 15, 2007


YOu are such a joy!! Thanks for being such a wonderful person. If I lived next door, I would STILL be your friend!! RYN: Oh, just go to the links and the registries have our address. YOu can even just go to the store and aks for our registry by name. They can send anything! Smooches…

March 15, 2007

Praying for your thyroid to function normally. ((hugs))

March 18, 2007

Things are looking up. I’m praying your healing.

March 19, 2007

ryn: I probably have a burned brain or something, lol. Earlier this week I had a 105.1 fever that I didn’t treat for 12 hours. I had the flu for the first time in my life and was literally incoherent and hallucinating from it. I HAVE felt a little off since then, but it’s improving 🙂 Thanks for the b-day wishes!

March 19, 2007

sorry to hear you are sick. EVERYONE is sick. You would not have believed how many kids were at the doctor’s office yesterday. Hope you (and everyone else) get well soon.

March 20, 2007

RYN: I know what you mean.. I almost hate that I even signed up for myspace… just another place I have to go and note, return notes, read updates and crap! it’s the devil! LOL!

March 20, 2007

RYN: Crunchy is a term used for women who cloth diaper, breastfeed, are anti circ and anti vaccination. But not just one of those things…ALL of them. And they are very PUSHY with their beliefs. And, can you believe that the person I’m talking about wrote a rant in the rant forum about how people saying “I’ll pray for you” is PUSHING their BELIEFS on her! But she can go around cutting people offher list because they believe in circumcizing their son? It’s so stupid, and frankly, I’m HAPPY she cut me, because I was actually going to cut her! She never noted me anyways, and recently got pregnant after trying for a while, so she no longer cares about her TTC faves…