Can’t do too much but here I go

Well things have been extremely busy around here so I can’t really write entries then when I do have the time to write one I’m so tired I don’t have the energy to do so. Fixing pc’s and configuring and running around and trying to absorb all of this information can sometimes cause overload to the point that when I get home I don’t want to look at a computer lol. If I do get on the computer at home I’m not doing no extensive typing or even thinking for that matter lol.

I was pretty swamped after we got back from the conference in Greenville, SC because I was in charge of our Black History Program and I had to organize practices and getting characters together as well as a couple of the adults helping out with the step dance. Well thankfully the program for that was This past ASunday and that’s over with. Well NOW I’ve been asked to get the children together to sing for our resurrection Sunday program. Ehhh I was thinking about doing this for a while anyway so it’s no biggie. Our musicians are going to mentor and train some of the guys in the childrens choir to play a song so it should be nice. It would REALLY be nice if I could just get a week where I had to do absolutely NOTHING after I get off of work. Oh but that day is coming I know it is lol.

The conference entailed using kingdom perspective when thinking about our daily lives and not how the World operates. Using Kingdom principles and breaking our old way of thinking. God has everything we need and he has given us the authority to conduct ourselves in the earth just as things flow in the Kingdom of Heaven. Because we represent the Kindgdom of Heaven right here on earth. That’s why when Jesus gave us the pattern of prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 he said Thy kingdom come,  Thy will be done,  in earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. The exact same way that heaven operates is how the Kingdom kids should conduct business and our personal lives in the earth. We have dominion over so many things just because our father is the creator of everything. Just as the Bible says in Psalms 24:1 The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof,  the world, and they that dwell therein. Everything that we need is in the Kingdom. Jesus Christ is at the right hand of the Father looking down and preparing for his glorious return and until he comes back to receive his bride we must establish that all of the tools that we need to accomplish his work is within us. Orchestrated by the Holy Spirit! Isn’t that Awesome?!?! The Deposit that Jesus left for us of himself until he returns for us is amazing, man if only we knew how to tap into that source?!?! Oh but we can. It takes applying kingdom principles in our daily lives and strategic prayers and a closer relationship with God. There’s much more that I have on this but I really don’t have time to get into it all.

Well I suspect that maybe by May I’ll have a little bit of normalcy back in my life. I know I won’t be a part of any special projects at church by then, and Thank God the football/cheerleading season doesn’t start till about late June/ July. Hopefully Track season will be done and overwith by then because if not I don’t know what I’m gonna do lol. 


Man nobody ever said being grown was easy but goodness ……..

That’s alright though I know that the Lord is able to strengthen me to make it through these busy times 🙂

Isaiah 40:31 (Whole Chapter)
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.



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i wasnt tryin to make anyone feel bad, but i couldnt get ahold of anybody, so of course that made me feel worse i guess. but one of my friends felt bad, but said it sounded like i was sayin they were a bad friend. i wasnt sayin that, just that i couldnt get ahold on ANYone that nite.

You are a busy woman. At least you have a full happy life. ryn: April 14 at 5:23 in the morning. We have to be at the airport between 3am and 3:30 am. Yikes!

March 2, 2007

I remember how my life use to be that busy, and I was wishing for the same thing. And I don’t even have kids! lol. You’re right, that day is coming soon, and eat it up when it does.

March 3, 2007

love that word of God. Peace and blessing.